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Preeta's heart felt numb as she saw from the gap between her fingers, he was coming towards her. Karan intimidatingly walked towards her sensing the increase in her terror.

He sat in front of her on the floor. Holding her hands, he removed them from her face. He felt something piercing his heart as he saw bloodshot eyes, lips trembling in fear. A cute pout was formed as she started sobbing again. She was a fairy for him. He could never stop falling in love with her again and again whenever he saw her angelic face.

But her tears had caught his attention as he moved his hand towards her cheek to wipe the tears but Preeta immediately flinched in fear. Karan felt hurt seeing her resistance. Seeing her crawling away from him was the last thing, he wanted to happen.

He was pulled out of his thoughts by a sweet hoarse voice.

"You-You kidnapped me again."

Preeta choked these words making Karan focusing on doing, what he had planned.


It was the answer which was not satisfactory for Preeta. He knew she wanted him to explain, why he did that again. So he started speaking.

"Do you Remember, Preeta? Last time I had kidnapped by making you unconscious and you escaped by doing same with me.

Preeta was looking at him with terror-stricken face. She was listening to every single word he was saying. Preeta remembered everything and was melting in fear, comprehending what will he make her do for the payback.

Payback of escaping Karan.

Karan looked at her light brown eyes which were teary and red. He could see the fear in her eyes. Fear of his anger. He knew that she gets scared of him easily. He still remember her words.

"I can never love you because I am scared of you. You scare me, Mr. Luthra."

Karan knew she was right. How can she like him if she is terrified of him. Love can't be forced. But he had to do what he had planned for the last time for the sake of his love. He had to do this for the sake of their future. He had to scare her, again. So he masked his frowned face into a cold one.

"But this time, I have kidnapped you in your conscious self. You are aware of the fact that you are trapped in a big house very far away from your brother's home, with four boys and does it help, knowing that one of them is your obsessed lover."

Karan said each word with coldness making her lips trembling in fear. That's what he wanted. Seeing his words affecting her, he continued speaking.

"No one knows if you are here. No one can save you. Not even yourself, Preeta."

He mocked her angrily which made goose bumps risen on her arms. When she digested his words, she understood that he was right. Being kidnapped means that anything can happen to you. You can get tortured, raped, beaten up or even get killed. She shuddered at the thought of these things. What if Karan had planned something like that to do with her?

She can be trapped here forever without even being found out. She knew it can happen if her kidnapper was none other Karan. He can do anything. He had the money. He had the power.

Karan saw her shivering. At that time, he felt the need to stop doing what he was planned to do. But he couldn't. The thought of seeing Preeta in another man's arms. Finally deciding that he will not go beyond limits, he started speaking again.

"I saw you with that asthmatic friend of yours."

Preeta was gazing at the floor pouring her tears out but hearing about Arjun made her look up at him.

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