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While signing the papers, Karan's mind wandered off to the morning scenario. His beautiful wife was not just looking sad while serving the breakfast but she had this anxiousness pasted on her face. She had been too worried about what happened yesterday.

He had quietly tip-toed into their bedroom at five in the morning to do his morning routine. But he couldn't just ignore his wife who was sleeping on the bed while hugging a pillow tight to her. His heart melted instantly as he saw her tear-stained cheeks and swollen eye-lids.

Even now, he couldn't stop thinking about how he had shouted at her last night. She hadn't even done dinner while he had already done with his clients. Moreover, Kabir came minutes ago to give him a peace of mind about how he left his wife alone in the parking just because he was angry as hell.

Karan sighed and rubbed his forehead while leaning back on his chair. He didn't understand why Preeta let irresponsible things happen. She could have just called him that she would be late. She could have kept him updated and he wouldn't have feel restless. He was just not angry that she embarrassed him but also that because of her lack of communication, he was hell worried for her whereabouts. Today, he even noticed the wound on Mohan's forehead. His driver had hesitated while telling the truth that he wasn't feeling well. He felt guilt for shouting at her. She did send him because of her naivety.

The girl couldn't see anyone in pain.

Karan left the pen and wiped his face with his hands. Why the hell she couldn't see his pain? More than two months of their marriage had passed, and now he was getting crazier for this girl. She had been taking care of everything, his home, the people, all the other things. He was not just irritated by her lack of attention but also that he had waited too much for her to accept him.

She hadn't even called him today just like she did daily. He felt restless. For once, if she'll just approach him again, he knew that he would just lose his mind. He would hold her tight and won't leave her unless he'd have a whole make out session with her and of course, then he would crave more of her.

He closed his eyes and couldn't help but murmur,"What have you done to me, Preeta?"

Suddenly, his office door opened and came inside, his smirking best friend with a paper roll in his hand. Hitting it on his best friend's head, Kabir leaned while taking the support of the table.

"I think, I should get married soon." Karan rolled his eyes and ran fingers through his well-combed hair.

"So, you too can sit like me here, thinking about how to woo your wife or feel shit if you'd burst out on her in anger," he muttered while closing his eyes again. Kabir only grinned at him.

"Well, I wouldn't​ have sit here like nun and feel shit about it. Because I wouldn't even have left her alone in that parking in the first place..." He was about to speak more when Karan tiredly interrupted,"So, now you are going to taunt me for that all the time."

Kabir nodded while grinning and hit the paper again on his head while Karan only sighed in restlessness. "If I would have been married, I would focused on how my wife had been taking care of everything..." He continued while looking at his watch playfully and other ways but not at Karan. "... Like how she calls my secretary if I had done the lunch or not, how she would do a video call to the clients to apologise for her absence at the last meeting, how she plans on making my favourite dishes to convince me to forgive her..."

Karan eyes narrowed at Kabir and he immediately spoke,"What did you say?"

His best friend only shrugged his shoulders and crossed his arms with a cheeky smile on his face. "That you just heard. She did the video calling, she apologised to Johnson's wife and talked to her for like more than twenty minutes. She just called me and asked me if you had done the lunch or not and now, she is planning on ways to melt you."

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