55| Kill The Reaper

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*cough* Big warning here. This chapter is basically an original chapter, so if it's trash... Apologies. As I've previously stated before... Original chapters are not my specialty. And apologies if it's short... Long, original chapters are also something I'm not good with.


What was she to do now? She wasn't even sure if the man she loved was still in there or not. The one thing she feared had actually come. She believed everything would go without anything happening. Well, anything wrong, that is. But here her partner stood, having been taken over by the very thing that lives within his Teigu.

But even still. She refused to believe it. She refused to believe that her lover had fallen that easily, thinking that it was all a trick on her mind. And if it wasn't, she still believed that she could save him.

Akame: "Akira... If you can hear me, then listen to me. I know you're still in there. Come back to me... Please. We don't have to fight anymore. We can finally put down our weapons... Please."

Her tone was hopeful and sincere, the raventte hoping her soothing voice would reach him. The Lich within simply chuckled and sighed in amusement.

Lich: "You mortals never fail to amaze me. Latching onto a pointless thing like hope. I've told you already, girl. This boy's body is now my vessel. He can't hear you anymore."

Akame: "I'm not abandoning him."

Lich: "Very well. If you're that keen on taking him back. Then... Come and take him back. Entertain me, mortal."

Rage was slowly beginning to build up inside of her, but she knew she had to keep her emotions in check. If she were to recklessly attack, the Lich would have no problem ending her life. In fact, the so-called vessel was her partner's body, and she knew that he had quite the durability and was much stronger than her, adding in the fact of his ice abilities. Not only that, there was the Lich's own abilities as well. As demonstrated beforehand, he could shoot a green flames from his palm and summon more than one soul to aid in battle. She had to be cautious. What else kind of abilities does he have?

Either way, she made her move. Picking up Esdeath's rapier, the red-eyed girl ran at the Lich, aiming to damage him from the side. While it was the Lich she was fighting, it was still the body of her partner. The Lich chuckled, raising his hand as he snapped his finger.

Akame was about to thrust the rapier before she grunted and dodged back. A giant greatsword was slammed in front of her, it belonging to Artorias. The abyssal knight let out a guttering growl, almost eerie even. With the Lich keeping a grin on his face, he extended his arm. The ethereal knights received their orders, the knights with the daggers and lance rushing forward to meet the Revolutionary Army head-on, whilst Artorias and the bow knight would be facing off against her. She knew she was in trouble. Facing Akira was a big enough problem, but adding in the two spectral knights into the mix made it even tougher. Especially since the four knights were quite famed, these legendary warriors having served under one of the most famed Emperors of the Empire that went by the name of Gwyn. 

The Four Knights of Gwyn was what they were called. There was the one with the lance and his armor made to depict to that of a golden lion. His name was Ornstein, the Dragonslayer. He was believed to be the captain of the knights that served under Gwyn and one of the most loyal, his spear having been said to be able to split a giant boulder in two, his golden armor made to resemble a lion having been imbued with the power of lightning. Just from his equipment and the title alone he held was already enough to tell that he was a fearsome opponent. But there was no fierce warrior like the strongest knight of Gwyn, Artorias. Known to have a will of unbreakable steel, unmatched by his skills of a greatsword, his time-honored title as a legendary hero had built him a legacy that lasted for centuries. However, most people are unaware of the dark hero's time of when he fell into the darkness, all so he could save his most precious companion, the Great Grey Wolf, Sif. It is said that Fenrir, the wolf companion of the Ice Cold Reaper, is a direct descendant of this legendary wolf.

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