20| Towards The Long Awaited Battle

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It had been about one or two days since Tatsumi had been gone, transported to who knows where. When Akira and Lubbock made their report to Najenda and the others, it was quite obvious to see that they were very worried. But they had faith.

And sure enough, he did return, coming in with a report of his own. He detailed of where he went, which was a deserted island with Esdeath, and her Teigu, it's origins, and what he had seen of her prowess. A certain member was a bit angry, thinking that Tatsumi had gone on a vacation with a "babe" who is also the strongest soldier of the Empire, who just so happened to also be a sadistic psychopath. 

In the present day, a noble could be seen looking out his window, gazing out onto the streets of the Capital. Looks of despairs were on many of the citizens faces.

Noble: "Cattle. Cattle. Cattle! I never tire seeing the ragged faces. It can hardly be called exploitation when you're dealing with pigs. The alcohol bought with the citizens' taxes is particularly delectable. I think I'll drain even more from them starting next month."

The fat noble chuckled to himself as he drank some wine from his glass. He then turned his head around, seeing the door open as one of his maids come strolling in.

Maid: "Master. It's time for your massage."

Noble: "Ooh! Make today's the refreshing full-body-fondle course!"

He smiled to himself as he turned around and resumed looking out the window, thinking he was about to receive such service. Unknown to him, the maid took something out of her mouth, which was a needle, the maid herself gaining her own smirk.

The maid then stuck the needle into the side of the noble's neck, him letting out a grunt before his eyes rolled in the back of his head. He then slumped over, the maid taking the needle out before she burst into a puff of smoke, the smoke then clearing as it revealed to be Chelsea.

Chelsea: "Mission accomplished. Though I don't know what kind of 'course' you'd call that..."

The auburn-haired girl's ears then perk up as she hears something, the sound of hurried footsteps. The doorknob could be heard turning as Chelsea quickly drew some of her Teigu's tools out.

The doors burst open, coming in were Wave and Kurome.

Wave: "This is the Jaegers! We received word that Night Raid would be targeting this home! We're here to respond to this urgent matter!"

Kurome: "Wave."

The two walk forward and head up to the dead noble. Wave grunted in frustration.

Wave: "We were too late..."


Chelsea: "What I'm saying is, it was a trap. That was too close!"

Having returned safely from her mission, Chelsea was gathered with some of the other members of Night Raid in the lounge area. She was currently drinking out of a mug, drinking some hot tea as the others were listening to her.

Mine: "You're one tough bugger if you were able to get out unhurt."

Chelsea: "Well, he had two or three house cats. I transformed into one of them to blend in and get out."

Mine: "I don't think I'd have been able to manage in that situation. I hate to admit, but that Teigu's pretty handy."

Chelsea: "It would've been tough for you because everyone knows what you look like. You should leave these kinds of jobs to me."

Mine: "Chelsea..."

Chelsea: (smug grin) "So you should stay here and keep an eye out on the hideout. Bench-warmer.~"

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