14| Kill The Invaders

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He just stood there, stunned by the action she had done. What was he to do? Respond with the same action himself? He didn't harbor such feelings for her... Or did he?

He didn't know why, but ever since remembering certain points of his memories, he'd feel familiar feelings. Whenever he was around her, the feeling of joy, happiness, and other things were felt. Although they felt subtle inside, he could still feel them. And yet, he wasn't sure as to why he felt this way.

Akame would soon release the kiss that she brought upon him, Akira looking at her with a look of disbelief as a red hue coated her face. She opened her mouth to say something, but she couldn't utter any words out. The two just stared at each other in silence. It wasn't until Akira broke that silence.

Akira: "Wha... Why? Why did you just do that?"

There was no anger in his tone of voice. Just curiosity. He was still trying to figure out the feeling himself. Akame then looked away.

Akame: "...There was a night that you ran off by yourself... When I found you, I remembered how hurt you were. We were going to escape with me, but something stopped us. But you..."

Akira: "I what?"

Akame: "You pushed me, but before that... You kissed me. I never understood what you meant back then, but I do now. I just want to return the feelings that I ignored for too long... Do you not remember?"

He could see the hopeful glint in her eyes. Her red eyes were mesmerizing as he continued to stare at them, already getting lost in them. But he couldn't remain lost at them as Akame was standing patiently in front of him, awaiting for his answer. Akira let out a small hum to himself, trying to remember a certain night that she was speaking about.

There was a night he seemed to remember, but only bits and pieces of them. Only fragments of the memory. He turned the other way, not looking at her.

Akira: "I'm sorry... I don't remember. Nor do I remember doing such a thing. Therefore... I...I cannot return those feelings."

Akira himself knew that just uttering those words hurt him, making him unsure why towards that feeling. He felt like he would regret it soon enough.

When he turned back to look at her, he was cut off by the look in her eyes. They were still mesmerizing, but they didn't have the hopeful glint. Instead replaced by something different. A painful look were in Akame's eyes as she began to slowly back up, the corner of her eyes having small amounts of tears watering up there. Seeing her saddened face made Akira feel guilty, him reaching out to extend his arm out to her.

Akira: "Akame--"

Akame: "No, it's okay. You're right. I shouldn't have said something that you wouldn't know about. And I shouldn't have initiated such a thing. If anything, I should be sorry. I'll be heading to bed now. Good night, Akira..."

Her voice trailed off when she said the last three words. She quickly flashed a smile, but a fake one at that. Akame quickly turned on her heels, hiding her face as she quickly made off to her room.

The black-haired teen continued to just stand there by the wall. His response hurt her, that much was certain. And yet, the feeling of pain and guilt welled up in his chest. What did those feelings mean to him? Why was feeling them?

...Why did they pertain to her? Why did he feel this way every time he was around her?


Akame had quickly opened the door to her room, and then slammed it shut. She fell face first onto her bed, crying into her pillow.

She did it. She made the action, thinking that it would reach him. She hoped that her feelings would reach and he would finally remember. But they didn't.

Retribution | Akame ga Kill! × OCWhere stories live. Discover now