2| Night Raid

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Again, if you have not read my prequel book "Ice Cold Reaper," which is a book based off the prequel manga of AGK, AGK Zero, you may not understand the AGK Zero references made throughout this book.

There's an external link left to the book if you wish to read it. It is not required, but you may not understand the AGK Zero references.


It had been three days since the night Akame had run in with her old friend. The ravenette has also been quite concerned, considering the icy blue-eyed teen hadn't woken up yet since then.

Currently, Akame entered her room, holding a small tray with a few sandwiches and a glass of water on it. There on her bed was Akira, the boy still unconscious. The red-eyed girl set the tray onto the bedside table, her pulling up a chair next to the bed. She watched as Akira's body slowly rose up and down, him having a steady breathing. She then began to run a finger across Akira's bare chest, her having taken off his light armor and clothing a few nights ago.

The memories began to fill Akame's head, remembering all the times and the lengths Akira would go to protect her. No matter what injuries he'd sustain, he'd do anything to protect the Elite Seven, his family. Especially the lengths he'd go for her. Akame couldn't help but smile at the fond memories. But she soon frowned at certain ones, knowing how much pain Akira had went through. The guilt he felt when he witnessed certain deaths...like Cornelia's. She remembered how much the blonde girl's murder had greatly broke him, how each mission they would go on after that would tumble Akira's sanity. From what it seemed, it was like Akira was falling into an endless hole of insanity and loneliness.

She heard some whining next to her, looking to see Akira's wolf staring at the plate of sandwiches. Akame let out a small giggle, something that was rare for her to do. She took half of a sandwich and offered it to the canine, the wolf happily taking it as it started to scarf it down. The red-eyed girl thought back to the previous nights, how the wolf had stayed by Akira's side at the bed, on guard all the time.

As Akame was about to leave the room, she heard light groaning. She turned her head back towards the bed, seeing Akira stirring awake.

The icy blue-eyed teen sat up, lazily looking around the room as he rubbed his eyes. His vision then focused on Akame, who sat by the bedside. It took a few seconds for his eyes to adjust before they widened, him jumping out of the bed as her reached for his waist, feeling for the key that would usually hang from his belt. But to his surprise, it wasn't there. Just as Akame was about to speak, he lunged towards her, grabbing her by the neck and pinning her to the bed, in his other hand, he conjured an ice dagger and put it against her neck.

Akira: "...Who are you and where have you taken me?"

Akame: "I-I..."

Akira: "I'm the type of person who you shouldn't waste their patience or time. So tell me where I am before I cut your neck. Now."

The ravenette was a bit shocked by Akira's demanding tone. But at the same time, she also wasn't really surprised at all.

Akira has no recollection of who he once was. What his background is, or his previous life. Slowly, she uttered out her words.

Akame: "Y-You're at our home base... You're safe here."

Akira: "That remains to be unseen. How do I know that I won't be attacked as soon as I exit out that door? Or, how do I know that you won't attack me as soon as I turn by back around?"

Akame: "I promise you...I won't do such a thing."

The icy blue-eyed teen let out a small hum, seemingly processing the information. Akira turns his head to the right, seeing his wolf companion wagging it's tail, tilting it's head as it's tongue stuck out as it panted. He sighed as he allowed the dagger to dissipate, getting off the bed and looking out the window.

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