35| Vengeance

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Just hours after his battle with Wave, Syura gasped for air, waking up in cold sweat. He glanced around his surroundings, finding himself in his room. The tanned skin man began to piece whatever fragment of memory that had happened in the last few moments, a frustrated look on his face as he rested his hand to cover it.

Syura: "I lost... To that goon...?" (shoots out of bed) "Not on my life! I'm going to--"

???: "You forget your mission and played around too much, Syura."

Startled by the sudden voice, Syura turns towards it. There he sees his father, Honest, sitting at a nearby table, munching on some cake. 

Syura: "Pops!"

Honest: "You lost to a country bumpkin. I'm ashamed of you." (disapproving glare) "You're pathetic."

He choked on his spit as he felt the words of his father cutting and stabbing into him like they were blades. Letting out an annoyed grunt, he turned to look the other way, Honest continuing to munch on his cake. Finishing his delicacy, Honest stood up with a grin and made his way towards the door, but not before shooting his son a look.

Honest: "You know, tasting defeat can also teach a valuable lesson. Defeat Night Raid, and reclaim your honor... And wipe this disgrace from your record."

The fat man then continued on with his merry way. Once the door was shut behind him, Syura stood there stunned. His frustrated look only grew as he raised his fist and slammed it backwards, smashing the vase that sat atop a small dressing stand into smaller shards and pieces, grinding his teeth.

Syura: (thoughts) 'Damn it! I've disappointed my father!'

Syura: (thoughts) 'Damn it! I've disappointed my father!'

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Syura always admired his father. It's where his cruel and sadistic nature stemmed from, as well as the attitude to make it feel like he could do whatever he wanted because he was the son of the Minister, the head advisor to the Emperor. But, the very thought of disappointing his father never crossed his mind as he would always live up to his expectations. And yet, he was shown up by a simply man from the countryside, who kicked his ass to a pulp and beat him in a battle of pure strength.

Needless to say, Syura was pissed. Very much so. And that's when he promised himself, he'd get his chance to kill Wave when he got it. And we would savor it.


Speaking of Wave, he was taken to Kurome's room. The blue-haired man yelled in pain as the black-haired girl was applying gauze and alcohol to his wounds, due to how hard Syura had inflicted onto him.

Wave: "Aah! That stings! It stings! It hurts, Kurome!"

Kurome: "Deal with it. There's still more injuries for me to tend to."

Wave: (grunts) "That bastard. Even if he wasn't the Minister's son, he's wicked strong."

Kurome: "But... You still beat him Wave." (blushes) "I'm sorry I ever called you weak before. I take it back. You're very strong, Wave!"

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