54| Kill The Empire's Strongest (Part 2)

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It was cold. It was cold and dark. He could tell his eyes were open, but he couldn't see anything.

The reaper groaned as he moved his head up, but grunted in pain as a sudden jolt of pain went through his head. He must've hit something. The boy sighed as he leaned his head back down, laying it against the cold, hard ground. It was funny to him to say the least. For the longest time, he was never affected by the cold at all, considering he also has ice powers as well. But if anything, many questions were just roaming his mind.

Was this place to be his final resting place? His last stand? Was that moment to be the last time he'd ever see her face, the girl whom he loved? It would seem so.

Akira: "So this is it then, huh... I knew this day would come... I just didn't think that this would be the ending I was thinking of." (choked sobs) "I'm sorry, Akame... But... It looks like I won't be able to keep that promise after all."

Just as he was about to accept his fate, he heard groaning, the sound of a guttering growl. The sound of debris and rock could be heard moving as a green portal had opened up next to him, an arm suddenly coming out of it. The arm was limp, and yet it was still able to lift up a considerable amount of debris. Akira's eyes widened, knowing whose arm it belonged to as he saw the familiar blue and tattered cowl that rested under the helmet of a familiar abyssal knight, helmet plume curving downward due to the ceiling above.

Akira: "What...? Artorias? But how... You aren't supposed to be..."

"Hear me, boy."

The icy blue-eyed teen flinched at the sound of the voice. But he knew what it was, whose voice it belonged to. It only caused him to narrow his eyes, a look of anger coming to his voice. Yes, that deep voice that had spoken belonged to the Lich that resided within his Teigu.

Akira: "You..."

"Indeed. It is, I, boy."

Akira: "What is it that you want..."

"A being such as I, a caliber of my existence... I refuse to be trapped down here under this pile of rubble. That will happen, should you die."

Akira: "And? It's better than having you up there. Monsters such as me and you don't deserve to live with the living."

"Fool! I was a menace, the people feared me! I devoured thousands of souls, millions before I was trapped within this abomination! I will not have my legacy stained, for me to be buried under the rubble of a failed Empire! ...I have a proposition for you."

Akira: "And what's that?"

"I will allow you to have a bit more of my power, such as being able to reuse the same soul. After all, the powers you have of this so-called 'Teigu' are because of me in the first place. And in exchange, you let my influence grow stronger."

Akira: "...If you ask me, that deal sounds kind of shitty. No, it is."

"Is that what you really believe, mortal? Are you willing to lay down your life here, and let the one you love face off her alone? What was her name... Akame--"

Akira: (laced with venom) "You keep her name out of your damn mouth."

The voice chuckled, very cynically. "Oh... Touched a nerve, didn't I? Fine. Do what you will, mortal. I have given you a choice. Should you not take it, then know this, her fate is doomed to die against that woman. And her very reason for her sealed death is you, and you alone. Her blood will be on your hands."

The boy gritted his teeth, closing his eyes as he was conflicted. He loved her, it was very obvious. He couldn't bear to see the sight of her losing to Esdeath, let alone seeing the sight of her bleeding out on the floor whilst she looked up at him, outstretching her hand out to him while she asked for his help. Seeing her hurt, let alone dead was the last thing he wished to see.

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