52| The Fall

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A few more minutes had gone by as he continued to hold her close to her. It was a bit unusual and uncanny for her to break down like this again. During missions, she would always remain calm and stoic, always never trying to let her emotions take over or get the best of her. And yet, when they finally got rid of the person that was the root of all their pain, she felt relieved.

But soon enough, they would have to continue on to end the war, knowing that it would still continue if the Minister was still alive. They could only hope Leone had gotten to him and neutralized him already.

Things began to calm down, Akame's sobs now being reduced to quiet sniffles. But she still didn't look up, Akira soothing her as he gently stroked her hair.

Akira: "Are you feeling all better now?"

He felt a gentle nod in his chest. Akira smiled slightly as he picked himself up, helping Akame up as well.

Akira: "Come on. The mission still isn't over yet."

Akame: "I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let my emotions get the best of me."

The boy simply shook his head. The two's attention was then drawn over to Saikyuu's corpse, seeing the book he had held was now laying next to him. Akame had walked up to it and picked it up, Akira peering over her shoulder so he could look at it as well.

Akira: "A book."

Akame: "Is this a Teigu?"

Akira: "Possibly. Saikyuu was holding onto it very carefully the entire time."

Akame: "We'll have to take it back to the boss, just to be safe."

Just as the two were about to leave and head back to the surface, they were startled when they heard Fenrir growling. When they turned around, all they could see was the wolf staring off into the darkness, getting lower as he seemed on edge. It wasn't long until they heard footsteps coming their way, Akame quickly unsheathing Murasame and Akira retrieving Harvester's key from his belt.

Akame: "Who's there!?"

???: (giggles) "You two surprised me. I came as a messenger, only to find Saikyuu dead."

The ravenette gasped while Akira grunted. Standing in front of them was Suzuka, the last Rakshasa Demon.

Akame: "Suzuka!"

Suzuka: (waves with a smile) "Long time no see. To be honest, I don't want to kill you two, Akame, Akira."

Akira: "But?"

Suzuka: "But now that we've met... I have a job to do."

The two prepared themselves for an attack, expecting Suzuka to dash for them. Instead, they were startled when the ceiling began to rumble, now beginning to collapse. The roof began to fall all around them, and it wouldn't be long that the ceiling above them would fall on top of them and bury them alive.

Suzuka: "I've activated the mechanism for destroying the tunnels. I'm not confident I'd be able to kill you. Let alone, two of you. So instead, I'll let us both be crushed here. Your friend taught me this technique."

A piece of the ceiling soon fell on top of Suzuka, making her yelp in pain as she fell to the ground, blood pooling out of her mouth. But it was clear to them that she was enjoying the pain, Suzuka's sadist side showing.

Suzuka: "Anyway, I won't die! See you two in hell!"

Suzuka: "Anyway, I won't die! See you two in hell!"

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