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After finishing up in the bathroom I go to see how Atsumu is doing with Sakura. When I round the corner I smile at the site of Atsumu with sakura in his lap as he's carefully drying her off.

"That should be good, did you get her bottom parts?"

Atsumu nods "yeah although it felt kinda awkward."

I roll my eyes. "She's a baby and can't do it her self Atsumu. Besides if her privates are wet she could get diaper rash or a infection."

"I get it" he replies with a frown. Sighing I go to take Sakura. When she sees me comeing for her she smiles.

"Come here my sweet girl, let's get you dressed for bed." Atsumu hands Sakura over to me and I give her hair a better drying. I also give Sakura lots of kisses making her giggle.

"Oh how cute you are~ alright let's get your diaper on."

I take sakura to her changing table and powder and dress her in her diaper. "There we go." Sakura yawns and starts to cry.

"Awe your tired I know. How about a suckle before bed."

I finish dressing Sakura as she cries; once through I remove my bra and one side of my shirt. Sakura continues to cry until I pick her up adjusting her in reach of my breast. She latches on and I wince because I'm slightly sore. Turns out she's hungry after all.

"That tooth is coming in isn't it."

Sakura hums as she nurses, I take a seat in the white rocking chair and rock her as she nurses.

Atsumu peaks in "she was hungry?"

I nod and pat Sakuras bottom "Looks that way. She will probably be up later since I'm feeding her, she will have to potty."

"I don't mind getting her when she needs a changing."

I laugh "trust me it's not always that easy especially at night time."

"I still don't want you doing it all. " Atsumu says stepping closer.

"It's nothing I haven't done before. Besides you said when your out your out."

Atsumu strokes sakura cheek "I'm still gonna try."

"That's all I can ask of you Atsumu."

About another 3 minutes in Sakura is through with her feeding.

I think my milk ducts are closing up.

Pushing that thought aside I call Atsumu to burp Sakura.

"Atsumu can you come burp her please?!"

Atsumu is quickly at the door to sakuras room.

"Ya, I got her." I stand up bare chest and pat Sakura's back. Atsumu comes to take her from me so I hand her over.

I can see him looking at my breasts and I roll my eyes.


Atsumu begins to burp Sakura then smirks and I adjust my shirt. I decide to go without the bra.

"I'm just glad your mine, I claimed those if you don't remember."

I blush softly "first off their Gods and Mine second off Your gonna have to fight Sakura off for my breasts."

Atsumu pouts "well that's not a fair fight, can't we share?"

This guy, he did claim them really good on our honeymoon though.

"I suppose, just focus on burping our daughter." I tell him.

"Is it safe to come in?!" Uncle Lenni asks from outside the door.

"I'm decent if that is what your asking."

I hear Uncle  Lenni sigh then walk into the room.

"Alright I'm heading to my new home."

I raise a brow "Nana Yumi's or Kira's."

My uncle blushes at Kira's name. "F-For the record it's not like that! I'm referring to next door. To give the newly weds some space."

I snicker "Uncle Lenni every one knows about you and Kira it's okay."

Uncle Lenni sighs. "It's not, I shouldn't be staying with her unless we are married."

I mentally cheer glad the subject came up.

"I think you should ask again. She might just surprise you."

Uncle Lenni rubs the back of his neck and yawns.

"That's a conversation for another time. Good night you two."

"Good night" Atsumu and I say together.

Uncle Lenni takes his leave leaving just Atsumu Sakura and I in the house.

Atsumu and I hear sakura let out a big burp.

"Oh my I bet that felt good." I giggle

I tip toe around Atsumu to take a look at Sakura.

"Wow She's asleep Atsumu."

Sumu kisses Sakuras head. "I'll put her in her crib then." I watch as Atsumu carfully puts Sakura in her crib on her back.

"There we go."

I smile softly "Your a Good Daddy Atsumu."

Atsumu rubs the back of his neck. "I'm trying."

I grab the baby monitor off the charger and Atsumu and I leave Sakura to sleep cracking the door halfway.

"You know we have the end of this week then we have to go to school. Our breaks almost up. I guess we are incredibly lucky that we get to have this break for our honeymoon."

"Speaking of Honey moon, we are still on it." Atsumu pulls me close to him.

"As alluring as you are being mister we can't risk waking up Sakura."

Atsumu pouts "common, how about a quicky."

"Im not a fan of quickies."

It's not that I'm not turned on it's just I know we can't be quiet.

"We can handle being quiet." Atsumu says.

Eventually i sigh and I give in.

"If we wake her up I'm gonna have to hurt you."

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