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Lenni POV

"She's Beautiful, She Looks like f/n except for her eyes.. She has our Atsumu's eyes..  oh Haru she's perfect."

The couple are in tears looking at their new born grandchild.

I called them when f/n gave birth, if she knew she would be so mad.. beyond mad.


The Miya's and I have had a agreement a understanding far before this.

"You remember our agreement, Mr. Miya Mrs. Miya."

"Mei and Haru, Lenni don't treat us like strangers. We have known eachother for too long." Mei says placing a hand on my arm.

"I'm sorry I just.. I'm betraying f/n's trust, it was never my place to contact you. I had no right. I know f/n would contact you when she's ready, she wants you both in Sakuras life. She thinks of you as her foster parents. She wants All of you to be apart of her life, apart of Sakuras life.  F/n has a past as you know, the abuse of her mother and the abuse she faced from her father. She's scared but she is more protective.. I can't speak for her but I know my niece.. she wants what's best for Sakura and she knows the more people who love her the better.. I know keeping all this information to yourselves has been difficult and painful.. but please give her alittle more time."

I bow respectfully still hoping the agreement will be kept.

"Lenni, I reached out to you when I found her letter, at first I wanted to drive over there my self and hold her and let her know everything was going to be alright. I know she must have been scared, she made so many attempts to reach us, she tried. All this time she's been carrying a burden on her shoulder, she's such a strong young woman.. she's been strong for too long. She's not selfish she never has been I understand her worries, Atsumu would take responsibility and be a father to Sakura, not only because I'd let him know he didn't have a choice but that's just how I raised him.. we will respect f/n's wishes and our agreement, i too believe she will tell us when the time comes, when she's ready. Keeping such a secret from Atsumu and Osamu has been difficult but as you said for yourself, it's not our place. Thank you for calling us Lenni."

Mei smiles looking at her grand daughter, her husband snaps a picture of Sakura.

I take a photo as well with a Polaroid , the picture slides from the camera and I take it and give it a shake then take the picture I took earlier of f/n holding Sakura not long after giving birth From my jacket pocket and I give them both to Mei and Haru.

I'm glad I made sure to take a picture for them.

"Oh Haru, Honey look at our girls.. their beautiful." I smile as Mei and Haru become emotional at the picture of f/n and the baby.

"Thank you. come, we should go now dear."

After they say goodbye to Sakura the turn to leave Haru pulls his wife close as they walk out.

I know I did the right thing

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