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I'm sure it was clear to the rest that something happened between Atsumu and I.

I couldn't even bring my self to eat breakfast when we stopped on the way out. I couldn't look at him or be near him. I sat by my self in the backseat with my ear phones in. The moment my eyes moved on their own towards his direction they were already filled with tears. I know I looked like I do after a fight with my dad, after crying so hard my eyes are blood shot .. maybe that's why no one has asked why I'm not acting like my self because they think I had a fight with my father.

Atsumu must have felt my stare because his shoulders tense and he starts to look back and as his eyes land on me something unexpected happens.. instead of showing emotion or feelings even more pain rip through my heart I felt completely nothing.. his betrayal hurt so bad that I felt nothing at this moment.

I kept dull eye contact with him almost no feeling at all. I still hurt.. oh how much I hurt and not just from the night before but my heart is still broken. I'm just done crying..

I'm all cried out.. I just want to go home.

After a hour or more the familiar scenery comes into view and we turn down my street.

I don't want to breakdown again

Once stopped i unbuckle my seatbelt and open the car door.

"Oh let me-" Haru starts but I cut him off while grabbing my bag.

"It's fine really.. I'll get my bag.. thank you for bringing me.. I-I really should hurry home."

My eyes widen at the sound of my voice. It doesn't even sound like my voice. It's.. Broken sounding.. hoarse..

I made sure not to look back as I made my way into my house.

I'm sorry

❀ℬ𝒶𝒷𝓎-𝒟𝒶𝒹𝒹𝓎❀  ⁽ᵃᵗˢᵘᵐᵘ ˣ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ⁾ Where stories live. Discover now