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997 words

I ended up sleeping until morning, i have to work today. I work for my uncle at his general and fresh goods store. He sells the freshest fruits and vegetables but also sells other foods and none food products.  His business has grown over the years, he used to only sell fruits and vegetables along with other food items one might need. Uncle Lenni always dreamed of a big business in his beginning days but not expanding as far as local. This is his only store and he likes it that way, he knows pretty much every one in that local area which allows him to have a better business. He's pretty amazing and I love working there. Between school and work I'm able to keep busy, thankfully.

After I finish getting ready I grab my phone and my purse and leave my room shutting the door behind me. As I make my way to the front door I hear deep breathing coming from the couch i also notice beer bottles on the coffee table.

They must have fought again.. then again he drinks almost every day.

I decide to clean up before I leave so I grab the waste basket from the kitchen and begin throwing away empty beer bottles and cans.

Once the area is clean I take the blanket from the back of the couch and cover up my dads sleeping form. Finally I set aspirin and a glass of water on the coffee table for him when he wakes up knowing he's going to have a head ache. I then head out to work just about ready to lock the door behind me.

This is really nothing new, working for Karins Father is probably really difficult since I'm sure he's extra hard on him. As far as I know they don't particularly like their 23 year old dating a man that is 15 years older than her. My mother had also been younger than my father but not by that much. Karin has daddy issues and maybe that's why she is drawn to older men. Karin and my fathers relationship is a toxic one, it's not really love they share but they compliment each other's needs and or expectations in a partner. They're both just really screwed up.. my father is different with Karin than he was with my Mother, he hasn't struck her that I know of but I think Karin weres him down so much that he doesn't have the energy too. Karin is the complete opposite of my mother. I don't think he loves Karin like he once did my mother once apon a time. Mama always told me my father loves her even though he does the terrible things that he did to her, she said he loves her but he has trouble showing his true feelings.
My father had once been a great man but one day something happened that I wasn't aware of and he just changed. He started drinking more and then more after my mother's death especially after a bad day at work.

With one last look around the room I sigh then leave the house and my sleeping dad behind.

After a decent buss ride I walk the rest of the way which is only 1 block.

I remember my uncle and many others telling me I shouldn't be walking alone because I'm 'a beautiful young lady' and it's to dangerous.
I've had some scary moments walking and even riding the bus on my own. I'm used to all the comments and stares, as I got older my body became more mature and feminine and I look like my mother who had been truly stunning.. men fell at her feet but she chose my father.
I'm willing to take risks if I can make my own money besides I have to make some sort of living.

Finally the store comes into view. The automatic sliding doors slide open and I walk in and head to the back to check in. Today I work the register, I do whatever my uncle needs me to.

"So how did your vacation go? Did you have fun?" Uncle Lenni asks as he places down a empty crate.

"Ah, for the most part I did yes. Thanks for asking."

I decided not to mention the bad parts nor think about them.

"That's great, you need to make more time to enjoy yourself. Your my best worker and I mean that. I'm not saying that because your my niece nor did I hire you because your my niece, I know how hard you work, you put your all in every thing you do. Your kind but your not a push over which I need here for sure. your my favorite niece you know." Uncle Lenni nudges me playfully.

"Thank you Uncle Lenni that means a lot, I'm happy to help and to be honest I enjoy working here. I'm pretty sure I'm your only Niece though."

"Haha! You are my only niece but your also my favorite niece." Uncle Lenni smiles.

"Well, For the record your my favorite uncle, Uncle Lenni." I say placing a stack of magazines on the counter.

"Of course I am, oh customers! Oh yeah Kira-Chan is running alittle late but when she arrives she will need to start with stock if you would let her know that I need to run a arren or two and I'll be back when I can. Sura-Chan called in sick but Aniro-San should be in the office if there's a problem consult him."
Uncle Lenni glances at his watch.

"Got it boss!" I sulute

"I know you do, see you when I get back." Uncle Lenni waves and exits the store.

Well at least working keeps me busy.

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