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After Atsumu is done feeding Sakura I go to burp her. I groans as She spits up which isn't her fault, it just happens. Once she's burped I hold her and clean my self off at the same time. Spit up is never fun.

Oh man My new top, it's my fault for forgetting the burp rag.

"We should probably start loading your things." Mei says from the hall way.

"Alright, Yer in a hurry to get rid of me ma!"

"That's not the case at all, you just need to get settled in." Mei argues back to her son.

"It's gonna be nice to have a extra hand with Sakura" I say with a smile.

Atsumu smiles "I'll do my best. Once I'm out I'm out, at night that is but I'll pull my weight."

I sweat drop. "That's reassuring. Anyway I'll go ahead and put Sakura in her carrier, I think she's getting tired."

"That's fine dear we have the rest." Mei assures me.

I gently place Sakura in her carrier. I take her fuzzy pink baby blanket and cover her up. I can tell she's sleepy. I smile softly and sing to her rocking her carrier.

Sakuras little eyes close and she falls quickly falls asleep. Her dad and GramGram finish loading the van with Atsumu's stuff and my luggage.

"Alright we are loaded and ready. By the way I grabbed Sakuras diaper bag it's in the back of the van." Mei says quietly.

I stand up and grab Sakuras carrier handle.

"Thank you, okay Then let's head out." I pull down the vizer on Sakuras carrier covering her up half way.

"Go ahead and put Sakura in the car dear and I'll lock the door behind Atsumu and I."

I nod and do as I'm told and head to the car. The van door is already open letting a breeze through. I place her carrier in the car seat clips and clip and lock her in. I seatbelt her in as well. This carrier/car seat is so handy. Mei got one for her van because she finds it handy too.

"There we go all set." I adjust Sakuras viser to block out the sun. Mei opens her driver Side door and Atsumu shuts the trunk carfully. Atsumu jogs up to me and looks at Sakura.

"Want me to sit back here with her?" He asks I shake my head no.

"I planned on sitting back here with her. You can have shot gun."

Atsumu kisses my cheek "as you wish"

Atsumu gets into the passenger side and I close the van door to Sakuras side. Mei slides into the drivers seat and I jog to the other back seat and slide in.

"Let's go home."

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