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Due to haveing every class with Shin-Chan I couldn't hide my frustration with Atsumu from him. He knew something must have happened after Atsumu chased after me, he just doesn't know what.

Atsumu acted like my feelings were a joke, I'd say he's not the same Atsumu I have known in the past but then I'd just be kidding my self. However he's not the same Atsumu I fell in love with. He spoke with what I thought were genuine words making me think he isn't as bad as I thought, just like back then. Lies it's all lies, is everything a game to him? I want to believe he's capable of compassion that he isn't a ego obsessed immature heartless jerk. Atsumu isn't fit to be a Father to Sakura, yes he's her father biologically but from what I'm witnessing from him, he isn't mature enough, he's not responsible enough and he won't and can't change.

We made it without him just fine all this time. We can continue without him.

"It's been 3 hours and you still haven't smiled, not even to be polite. It's scary. I'm guessing your fowl mood has to do Atsumu?"

Placing my books in my locker I frown deeper.
"He's a Immature Arrogant irresponsible Pompous Jerk! How could I ever love such a ego obsessed heartless dumb selfish self obsessed  donkey! I can't believe I even considered telling him the truth, he is incapable of changing and it proves he would not step up to the plate and be a good father or Romodle for Sakura! I refuse to tell him, we don't need him, we have made it this far without him. he would only make things more difficult for Sakura and I.. I'm her mother and I make the final decisions and my decision is final.. I-I had this hope that maybe somehow we could be a happy family, that Atsumu I and Sakura could be happy together... but i see clearer now, Atsumu isn't supposed to be apart of our family."
I slam my locker door  and take a deep breath. I look at Shin-Chan then grab my bag.

"I'm going ahead."

It's Not like I'm in a hurry for boys volleyball practice. I just want to get home.

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