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I sing along with the song playing from my phone Sakura Drops by Utada Hikaru. Today is a day to be excited for.

Right now I'm doing last minute packing for my trip with the Miya's. The Miya's are like family to me and I have known them for a very long time. Mr and Mrs Miya are Haru and Mei and they are so nice. I'm best friends with their two sons Atsumu and Osamu. Over the years I have grown a lot closer to Atsumu as being closer I mean.. I love him. Sumu and I flirt a lot but nothing has come of it but I'm hoping that will change during this trip. I'm relieved to get away from this place, well from my father and his shrew oh I mean girlfriend.

My father is what most would call total skum, he was physically abusive to my mother but verbally to me not to mention i witnessed it all, him hitting my mother. My mother died almost a year ago from cancer. My father not once showed any compassion towards his dying wife, at least during her battle with cancer he never struck her, after all her cancer was so severe that he knew she didn't have long. My mother was a gentle soul, sweet caring strong and oh so kind, i never understood why my father changed to being such a terrible human being. You see my father was once a decent person but I noticed how he changed around my age of 7. My mother had always protected me the best she could, i  wondered at times why her and I couldn't just leave but after asking her my mother refused, she didn't want to give up on their marriage or on him. She loved my father even after the terrible things he did, even though he spent years cheating on her with multiple women, prostitutes even. My mother had been beautiful, she had many admirers but she loved my father and even after knowing of his affairs never left him, she had been loyal. My father didn't want to be seen as the bad guy, he didn't want a devorce, he didn't want any other man to have my mother, he's greedy and refused to let anyone or any other man have my mother. My mother taught me to be strong while also protecting me and no serious harm ever came to me, my mother kept the peace and gave me all the love in the world.  After being diagnosed with cancer everything became worse, I guess. my father had been in and out; only coming around for show although many found out about his abusive nature; his true nature. they stayed out of it for mine and my mother's sake and because my mother pleaded them to.
How his nature only  became clear to some in the few months before my mother diagnosis is amazing because i thought it would be so plain to see.
After my mother's passing my father continues his in and out behavior and i just try to stay out of his way. I still had food in my belly and a roof over my head. The woman he had his last affair with had been much younger than him and he took great pride in that. Her family had money but she made him feel better and he was and is crazy for her. I always knew they were just looking for a chance to live their life without me being involved in anyway.

My mother always told me to be strong and how much she loves me and to not hate my father that he had been crazy about me when i had been born, he couldn't wait for me to enter the world and i couldn't see that being him  even though i do have some good memories with him.. they seem so distant after everything he has done.

"Be strong, and know that I gave every bit of my love to you, Keep your faith in the Lord just like I have taught you. Look to him for guidance, forgiveness, do not lose your faith in our Lord for I pray for your safety and he grants just that, your papa has never layed a hand on you, never hurt you and he will continue to not harm you, you will be taken care of, The Lord will provide. I love you more than anything, more than a cherry blossom breeze on a lush spring day. Oh my sweet cherry blossom, focus on living and loving.. I love you . here .. have my locket I know you always wanted it, there's still a picture of us together inside, there's room for another if you wish to place one. Stay close to those who love you, to God to those who are your friends and don't let I'll feelings destroy something so beautiful. You must forgive those who do Wrong, pray for them and for God to forgive them and have mercy on them. You do right even when others are doing wrong.. your life won't be the same when I'm gone but that doesn't mean it has to become worse. You have a choice a chance at a better life but you have to be brave, be strong and have faith. don't worry I'll be with you. Follow my example, but Let your Grandma and the others help you when they can. Don't forget what I am saying to you I have saved my strength to tell you all this so you better not forget a single thing I say. Do you understand me? If you do then promise me you will do as I say.. Promise me f/n?"

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