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<abuse in this chapter>

It had been before my alarm went off that I had been jolted awake by my father, crashing and shattering sounds echoed through the house.

"His mood swings haven't been this bad in a very long time.."

I thought maybe if I just stayed quiet and pretend to be asleep he would leave me be and keep his distruction away from me but that was wishful thinking.

The sound of my father breaking through my door was so loud that I could hear the wood splinter and breaking.


I'm Terrified.. he's utterly terrifying.  I sat up in bed in complete shock. My silence must have just made him rage more but I had been to scared to speak.

He Angerly marched towards me grabbing me by my hair and dragged me from my bed into the kitchen as I kicked and screamed.

He has never physically harmed me before today.

"Ow! Ahhha It Hurts!!! Please!! Let go dad! Im sorry please! Eeeeeeaghh!" I pleaded for him to let go but his grip tightened only to drag me up against the wall.


I finally understood what this was about.

"He thinks im my mom!"

He raises my head up by the tuff of my hair and pulls back his arm preparing to strike me. I had to snap him out of it.


"Im not Namiko! D-D-Dad! P-please stop! im not Mom im F/n!!! I'm not Namiko! im your daughter! It's F/N! I'm F/N! Papa!!!"

I closed my eyes waiting for his fist to make contact but it never did.
His breaths were ragged and uneven and smelled of liquor.

"F/N? Your— not Nami.." I open my eyes to see my fathers blood shot ones staring wide back at me. Suddenly he stumbled backwards letting go of me, eventually getting on his feet he drunkenly stumbles into the back room.

I stayed in the same spot for a while until I quit shaking then make my way back into my room.
The door wasn't as badly damaged as I thought, i shut it and i lock it.

"That.. he's never done that before, layed hands on me at least .. Oh man..  it must have happened again.. "

When dads drunk he will lose track of where he is as well as the time. He thought I was mom so his mind wasn't straight and that's not just from the alcohol either.

I cover my mouth and Let out a sob I walk to my mirror to check for any marks.

None, I look a mess though.

I decided to just get ready for school, I canceled my alarm for the morning and tried to put everything that happened aside and do what I need to do then leave for school.

I'm Putting on this act like I'm fine.. it feels so normal.

But I'm not, I'm not fine

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