| Prologue | (+Characters)

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I've always been a loner and I've preferred it that way. People wouldn't bother me with their bullshit and gossip. I was able to enjoy the peace around me at all time. Being socially awkward and unpopular really go well together. But I still felt scared things might change to something I don't want them to be. I had always been fine with being disliked by everyone that meets me in school. Still, I knew as soon as they would find out who my parents are, things would be bound to change...

Anxious I walk into the school building. Wearing a hood over my head, in hopes to blend in like I usually would, but of course it isn't that easy..
Hundreds of eyes are staring at me. Seeing every move I make, every mistake I make. Silently, with my head down, I walk past them, hoping to arrive at my locker without having to talk to anyone. But again, it's not that easy.

A group of girl, that go to my class approached me. Every single one has a smile on their face.
"Ma-Ri, you're really the daughter of the famous fashion designer Seong-Min and his muse Mi-Gyeong?", The black haired girl asks excitedly.
I roll my eyes and nod, continuing to walk to my locker.
"You should have told us", another girl says just as excited.
"Well.. then we couldn't have been this rude to you", the first girl says, getting approving nods from her friends.
"You make me sick. Leave me the fuck alone", with that I leave them behind and also arrive at my locker to take a few books out, that I need for my next class. I can still feel their eyes staring holes into my back, but I just try to ignore them.

When I arrive at class, it is all the same. Eyes staring at me. People I never talk to approach me and try to have a conversation. Same thing happens in my other classes and at lunch. The more it happened, the more I feel annoyed.

After school I stand in front of the building, waiting for my driver to arrive. As if I had know, another group of people approach me. This time it's five boy. With two of them I already had a few convos with before, but the other three have been ignoring me since I got transferred to this school, last year.

"Hey, Ma-Ri", Chan, the leader of these kids, and the one I've had the most talks with, greets me.
"Hey Chan", I greet back, give him a small smile and turn my head back to the road to look for the car, I'm waiting for.
In the corner of my eye I can tell that the other four are nervous to be near me. Internally I roll my eyes to their dumb behavior, as I turn my head back to the group of boys.
"What's up?", They're all quiet and Chan answer my question casually.
"We've seen you being bothered to whole day and wanted to see if you're alright", he explains, giving me a sweet smile.
"And then you thought it would be a good idea to bother me as well?", Seemingly confused and embarrassed they look at each other, making me roll my eyes again, "I am kidding.."
After a few seconds of silence I eventually answer the Australians question.
"I'm okay I assume. Been worst, been better", the boy can tell how annoyed I am and bows down.
"We're sorry to bother you."
"No no, it's okay. We've talked before, so I don't mind talking to you", I rub my neck a bit embarrassed, seeing another boy arrive.
"What's up guys?", He yells before joining us.
The boys greet each other with a brotherly hug, before looking back at me.
"If this isn't our star~", the boy who just joined us tries to act cute and tease me. For a third time I roll my eyes and Chan immediately scolds him: "Minho, stop. She's been bothered enough today."
"Geez, learn to take a joke", Minho also rolls his eyes at me, pissing me off more than I already am.
Before I'm able to say anything else, my driver finally arrives.
I give Chan a nod, which he returns, before getting into the back of the silver car. Through the window I look at the boy, who are now talking to each other. The four who had been quiet are talking as well. Before I have time to think about it more, the driver speaks up.
"Do they know?"
"Yeah.. they do..", I mutter, waiting for him to drive off, which he does immediately.


Characters in this Story:
(Original Characters, that will be added as the story progresses or rather as I write it lol^^)

Characters in this Story:(Original Characters, that will be added as the story progresses or rather as I write it lol^^)

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=> Ma-Ri

=> Ma-Ri

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=> Jiwoo

=> Jiwoo

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=> Sora

=> Sora

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=> Liz

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