"Ah Racer, be a sport and spread Georgie's legs, Im sure you would appreciate any cooch you horny bastard" Harry slaps Racer on the back as he trys to balance every towel in the household in his arms. He drops them at the mention of a vagina and tries to hide his smile. He also, fails miserably.

Georgie wails again in pain and Hunter screams at us all "I live with a bunch of dickwads. Harry take my place for fuck sake. Im sure you can keep her upright if thats not too much to fucking ask"

Harry jumps to help and bends down, scooting over into position as Hunter then helps me to get Georgie into a more suitable position for labour. Her legs are spread wide and Harry makes the mistake of offering his hand to Georgie so all you can hear is those two screeching in pain as Racer paces the room throwing towels at us and Hunter trying to stay calm but failing as he trys to place the towels around Georgie.

Me, I just stare at Georgie's vagina that stretches to new lengths and I find myself getting really fucking warm.

"Okay, okay. Yeah - okay" Fuck me, how does a vagina do that? Ive two fuckers to evacuate.

"Window, open a damn window" I shout to anyone that will listen and see Racer run towards the closest one springing it open.

Georgie is screaming in pain "I need help. I need pain relief. I need to.. ahhhhh" She squeezes Harry's hand and his eyes almost jump out of there sockets as he tries to hide his pain. I think Georgie might kill him if he says a single word.

"Where the fuck is Nancy?" Hunter shouts losing his cool.

"Ill ring Josie, see how far they are" Racer says as he bolts out the door.

"You're doing great hunny. Just keep breathing. It wont be long now" I say to Georgie who is so red in the face she looks like she might burst and her whole shirt is covered in sweat.

"I need to push" she huffs out and I look to Hunter who looks like he might be sick.

"Okay. Im not sure if you're ready yet Georgie. I dont know how dilated you are. Nancy should be -"

"Five minutes, they will be here in five minutes"

"See, five minutes hunny. Nancy will look after you. But you're doing so good just keep breathing"

I sit down with my legs crossed, rubbing up my thighs trying to calm my own breathing. Fucking hell I didnt see my day going like this. Georgie wasnt due for another three weeks or so, I think.

Im fucking terrified of labour now. I hadnt thought about it until now.

"Harry, is that water? Can I - can I have some?" Georgie wipes her own forehead breathing heavily and Harry continues to stare at me.

"Harry, water. Do you have water?" Hunter repeats the question noticing that Harry is away with the fairies.

"No.. why?"

"What's that digging into my lower back?" Georgie asks and Harry gives me the dirtiest smirk as he drops his eyes back to my lap.

Hunter clearly notices and chuckles to himself "I think Pippa is giving Harry a full on flap show and in turn you now have an extra hand in holding you up. Those two were barely dressed when they came in here"

"Move that fucking thing Harry. I dont - you're - just ahhh - no, no I have to push please" Georgie whimpers and I thank the sun, moon and stars as Nancy comes rushing through the bedroom out of breath but carrying a medical bag.

"Im here Georgie, lets get you sorted sweetpea"

"Mommy" Georgie whimpers as Josie falls beside her wiping her hair from her forehead. "Move over" Josie pushes Harry and he scoots out sporting his boner with no shame.

"I just want to be clear that this is for Pippa, not some sick twisted sexual thing about labour. Im out" Harry announces before he makes his exit.

"Ill run a bath for cleaning off the baby and get something set up in the ensuite to sort he or she out" Pop says as he hurries off.

"Racer get out" Hunter growls as he and I take a new position beside Georgie.

Hunter, Josie and I each take turns with taking a damp cloth to Georgie's forehead and giving her praise through each push. She's so exhausted by the time Nancy announces only one more push.

"Come on baby, you're amazing. No drugs just muscle. You got this beautiful" Hunter kisses her forehead as we all scream with her through the last push.

When we hear the loud wails of the baby crying, Georgie breaks down in tears, a sweaty mess and so emotional.

"Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy. Would you like to cut the cord?" Nancy ask's Hunter who agrees before she takes the baby to the ensuite to clean him up and wrap him in a towel before delivering him back to Georgie.

We all coo over his button nose and tiny little fingers. He has plenty of hair and is the spitting image of Hunter. Josie is a blubbering mess and Hunter looks at Georgie with pure admiration.

As Nancy is looking after Georgie, the paramedics arrive and start to tend to the baby. They weigh him and confirm he is 7 pound 8 ounces and a completely healthy baby. They want to take Georgie in for observation for the next 24 hours so we follow her and Hunter in after cleaning up the bedroom and sorting ourselves out with appropriate clothing.

I stop in the shop the buy Georgie some of her favourite candy and some flowers to brighten up her hospital room.

When we arrive Georgie looks freshly washed and in her bed looking comfortable cradling her newborn. Hunter is perched beside her staring down at his son.

We are the last to arrive as the room fills with our whole group and everyone is welcoming the newest addition.

"You want to hold your nephew Harry?" Georgie asks him but Harry looks more interested in the loose thread on his jumper.

"Nah. Im good" I look at Harry with confusion and swallow down my emotions. He has been funny since he left the room earlier and I had to drag him to the hospital.

I have the biggest lump in my throat assuming this is too much for him. My mind is working on over drive as I attempt a fake smile towards Georgie.

"Pippa, come here" Georgie holds out her hand and I take it. "You too Harry" she looks to Harry and he stands beside me awkwardly.

"Hunter and I wanted to ask you both something important" I gave Georgie a smile as I looked down at the newborn resting against Georgie's chest.

"We were hoping you would be this little guys godparents" Im an emotional wreck with all of this and Harry's strange humour so I burst into tears and I vigoriously nod my head.

"Id love too, he is so beautiful. Im so proud of you hunny"

"Noah, meet aunty Pippa" Georgie says to her new baby as she hands him to me. I take him and support his small head, resting him against my chest.

I admire his features as I stroke his dark hair a blubbering mess.

"Wont be long now until you have your arms full boss" Big K says to the room as they all chuckle along.

When Harry doesnt answer is when this happy perfect moment begins to scare the shit out of me.

** Authors Note **

Well overdue, I know.

Does Pippa have anything to worry about do you think?

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