Chapter 86

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The chamber felt bare and lonely as I sat staring at the fire in the hearth. Kesar had gone to fetch me some hot tea. Then there was a soft knock on the door before it opened. I lifted my eyes from the hearth. Amarisa was standing inside the hall, and she was alone. The princess looked at me with tearful eyes. Though I was pleased to see her, my heart sank as I stared back at that brilliant face.

"Why are you here, Your Highness?" I asked. "I'm not your dazzling prince you must marry."

Her eyes widened in shock. Hurt was written all over her face. I realized I had unknowingly made her the target of my frustrated rage that buried inside me.

"How dare you said that to me!" she cried, tears streaming down her cheeks. I wished I could reverse the role and not make her the victim of my sorrows, but perhaps, it was easier this way.

"I don't deserve you," I said again, ignoring her pain. "You should forget me."

"What are you talking about?" she came forward and kneeled down to look at my face. "Nikita, tell me how long this tormenting silence shall last? How long shall this strange treatment you hold against me? Is it not suffice you all these tears you see flow?"

I couldn't look back at her face for it would pain me. The distressed princess came forward to hold me, but I made myself rigid like a stone.

"Our parting is inevitable, Amarisa," I whispered. "We both merely prolong the ending. You're going to marry the son of a king and you will live happily with your future family. I'm not part of your world. I'm not worthy of your love. Not anymore."

I tried to keep my voice steady and impassive, but the princess stared at me blankly.

"Why?" Amarisa said in a small trembling tone. "Nikita, tell me why! I cannot rest until I know what caused this bitterness."

I shook my head. I had to make her leave me. It was only fair.

"Alright then, here is the truth, Your Highness," I said. "I have wronged you gravely. I have taken other women behind your back."

"My love, this yearning heart declared you my most beloved, yet now what foolish story are you telling me?"

I pried her arms away harshly and looked at her squarely in the eyes.

"Hear me again, Amarisa, I am an insatiable monster. I have attained other lovers besides you. This is not a lie!"

"No!" Amarisa cried and covered her ears.

"I bedded my handmaiden, Kesar, when you did not come to see me," I went on without stopping. "I have lain with a goddess, Kemira, in Indra's palace. I also slept with the mermaid queen during my quest. Each one of them I enjoyed lustfully. All of them I had drawn out the spasm of pleasure..."

I would have gone on if I hadn't felt the sting on my cheek as Amarisa slapped me. My head turned sharply to the side, and my ears rang, but I was not content with this pain. I deserved worse. We sat still for some times. The sound of our breaths filled the chamber. When I turned back, Amarisa's face was ruddy with tears.

"How could you have done this deed to me?" she said, her body trembled. "The one whose smile made my heart race and whose frown wounded me closer to death. How could you greedily enjoy other women and make my heart burn?!"

More tears flowed down her narrow chin and onto the floor, damping the wood drop by drop. There was nothing but brokenness in her eyes.

Amarisa shook like a baby fawn that had just been born. By instinct, I reached out to her, but she recoiled away from me. It was as if my touch was poison.

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