49| Last Preparations

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Below in the parade ground, the Emperor and Minister with Esdeath. The fat man held a satisfied grin, the child Emperor simply being amazed. Honest hoped that this army of artificial ice cavalry soldiers would be the defying factor that would end the Rebel Army.

Spy 2: "Ice soldiers... Can the average soldier even hold his own against these things?"

???: "They're called the ice cavalry."

The rebel spies' eyes had widened, turning around and unsheathing their knives from their holsters. However, they weren't quick enough, their assailant grabbing them and slamming them down to the ground. It was Suzuka, the Rakshasa Demon using a considerable amount of strength into it as shown by the crater underneath them. But they were still alive.

Suzuka: "It's the ace up General Esdeath's sleeve. She can create an army ten thousand strong all by herself." (licks lips) "Incredible... She can refine the simple ability of ice manipulation into this." (thoughts) 'I was born to meet you. I can say that with the utmost confidence.'

The woman began to let drool out of her mouth, Suzuka sporting a blush on her face as she held herself. Her masochistic and sadist side was showing as she wished for Esdeath to give her the most painful, but pleasurable to her, punishment that she could offer. Suzuka turned her head around slightly with a grin on her face as the two spies bolted for the exit. Suzuka had received orders from Honest, knowing that there would be some rebel spies roaming about to gather intel, which were to spare any of them. They always suspected that the Empire would have an ace up their sleeve, so they wanted the secret to spread more.

Honest clapped his hands in amusement, looking towards the icy general

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Honest clapped his hands in amusement, looking towards the icy general.

Honest: "Splendid. Just splendid! If we're ever short on soldiers, you can simply whip up a few out of nothing. It's phenomenal. Our enemy is probably shaking in their boots already."

Esdeath: "It's because my unit has been held up in the West. With these... It's sure to be an interesting fight."

The Prime Minister chortled with a laugh, now beginning to speak with the Emperor. Esdeath took her gaze off the two and then looked down at her ice cavalry. Her mind instantly went to her personal squad, the Jaegers.

Esdeath: (thoughts) 'Wave and Kurome died because they were weak. It's a shame, but it couldn't be helped.'

A vision of them would appear in her mind. The smiling faces of Wave, Run, and Kurome. Bols held onto some pots and other cooking utensils as he smiled under his mask. Stylish dismissing everything, but held his own grin, knowing he himself was in a quote-on-quote, "Stylish group." And Seryu would be chasing after Koro, who would no doubt be causing trouble for them.

But just thinking about them, Esdeath couldn't help but crack a small smile upon thinking of the fond memories.

Esdeath: (thoughts) 'The six of them were a fun bunch. We had some good times together.'

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