Next Boyfriend: Apoo x Reader

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Warning: Lemon

You sat at a table in the far corner of the bar, you were drinking (f/d). It wasn't long before the bar began to get packed with pirates and bandits alike. You leaned back on the seat, glancing over the different types of pirates. Your eyes landed on a long-arm pirate who went by the name of Apoo.

You had to admit he was pretty cute. You sipped your drink as you didn't realize you were staring. The bartender came to your table to refill your mug.

"You are strong (Y/N)." She said in her soft voice.

"I can't help it, he is super fine." You said. The bartender let a shy laugh out just as Apoo turned to you. You both made eye contact since Apoo felt your gaze on him. You sent a wink at him, which made the musical pirate blush.

"Hey, the captain did that girl just wink at you?" One of his crewmates asked.

"I think so," Apoo said, looking back at you. You weren't ashamed that you were ogling him the same.

"Go easy on him (Y/N), I know he is a pirate but your flirting can make any man blush in embarrassment," Rose said you looked at her with a smile.

"I will...maybe." You say getting up, you made your way up the pirate. He looked away even though he knew you were making your way to him. Everyone fell silent as they watched you stop in front of Apoo.

"Sorry I was staring, I was trying to figure out where I have seen you before. It was driving me crazy, but I figured it out." You say Apoo blinked not remembering ever seeing you.


"You look a lot like my next boyfriend. I can't believe how much you act like him. You and me, we'd be unbelievable and I am available." Everyone began to choke at how smooth that was.

"I don't think it's a coincidence. I put it all together, and it makes sense. You ain't not fling or a could've been. Cause you look a lot like my next boyfriend." You say sitting at the table. Apoo's eyes widen, he was normally the flirty one but he was always rejected. So he barely knew how to act, he noticed your grin as you pulled his chin close to your face.

"So what's your name?" You asked and Apoo smirked before pulling you into his lap.

"Apoo is my name, and what is the name of my next girlfriend?"

"(Y/N)." You say grinning, everyone sweatdropped at how you two quickly adjusted to each other.

"Captain don't you know that's a singer (Y/N) (L/N)." A crewmate of his asked, Apoo turned to you.

"Yepp and you just gave me an idea for a song." You winked. He held your chin brushing his lips against yours.

"Yet that can wait how about me and you get out of here?" You asked, Apoo wasted no time getting up and you stood up heading to the door. He followed close behind before walking beside you. You both left the crew in the bar so you two could have some alone time, once you were out of everyone's sight, he wrapped his arm around your waist. He pinned you to a wall, and you couldn't but grin wrapping your arms around his neck.

"You should join my crew, then maybe we can make this next boyfriend, next girlfriend thing a reality," Apoo said.

"I was hoping you would ask." You say pulling him down, you pressed your lips to his. He hummed into the kiss holding you tightly to him. He licked your bottom lip which you allowed access to, he explored your warm cavern and you held him closer. Apoo could taste (f/d) and your (f/f) lip gloss and it was addicting. He parted from your lips looking at you, and you hummed gently smiling.

"That kiss is amazing." You say, and he laughed slightly.

"Apapapa it was I could kiss you all day."

"What's stopping you? Your crew can handle the supplies." You say, Apoo bit his lip as you leaned over to whisper in his ear.

"Let's go to the captain's corridors." You parted from his ear, and he threw you over his shoulder. He pinched your ass which made you moan. He carried you back to the ship, once you both arrived he tossed you on his bed before locking the door. He went to you and hovered over you pressing his lips to yours again.

You pushed the garb off of his shoulders after removing his yellow scarf. Once he was dressed in only his boxers, he began to remove your clothes. You bit his lower lip tugging on it which made him moan into the kiss. Apoo parted from your lips as he took in your appearance, you were absolutely beautiful.

You leaned up kissing his neck, nipping and sucking on certain spots. Apoo closed his eyes biting his lip as he held you tighter to him, he sat back pulling you to his bed. Apoo had to admit he enjoyed seeing you take charge, it made you even hotter than what you already were. You parted from his neck seeing the dark marks littering his skin. You grinned as you traced them with your slim finger. Apoo massaged your breasts and you moaned leaning your head back. You pulled and kissed Apoo again enjoying the way his lips fit with yours.

"Damn (Y/N), how did I get so lucky?" Apoo asked after parting from the kiss.

"You represent the pirates I like. You guys don't fight unless it's necessary, you are kind even if you don't want others to know that you are, you are unique, handsome and you just stole my heart when I saw your wanted poster." You say with a smile, Apoo smiled as he wrapped his arms around you tightly, he nuzzled your hair.

"Wow someone noticed?"

"I also enjoy your music. I guess you can say I am your number one fan." You say laughing, Apoo laughed as well before keeping you close to him.

"I am your number one fan too, I didn't need my crewmate to tell me who you were. Just like you didn't need my name." Apoo said rubbing your waist, you laughed slightly before pulling him on top of you.

"Good, my pride would have been hurt." You say and he placed kisses along your neck before he began to remove your bra and underwear. You shuddered at the cold air and you sighed softly as he continued to trail his kisses down your body.

"This isn't going to be a one-night thing right?" Apoo mumbled against your skin, you felt your skin heat up from his touches and kisses.

"Of course not, I told you earlier it isn't going to be a fling or a could've been." You say, he gave you that grin as he pulled back removing his boxers. He positioned himself at your entrance before pushing deep inside of you. The size of his length made you gasp as you held the male closer to you, and you arched your back.

"So big..." You moaned out, he smirked slightly as he held your waist to make sure you felt him fill you up. You bit your lip as you pulled him down crashing his lips against yours.

"Fuck me don't hold back." You mumbled against his lips, he took that and began to thrust into your body. He wasted no time in abusing your entrance and bundle of nerves, your moans soon turned into cries of pleasure. You leaned your head back and he took that chance and began to mark your skin.

You clawed at his back, and you moaned loudly. Your body began to shake with pleasure as he continued to pound into your body.

"APOO!" You screamed his name, not caring if his crew came back and heard you. He held your waist tighter and you bit your lip whimpering lowly. You felt a knot in your stomach, and you held him closer to you. He began to pant and he could tell you were close because he felt you tighten around his length.

"You are getting so tight." He grunted against your skin, you closed your eyes before releasing them all over him. With a couple more thrusts he filled you with his seed causing you to whimper and moan. He pulled out pulling you to his muscular chest. You sighed softly cuddling his chest, and he looked down at you.

"I am going to ask you the right way." He said you tilted your head confused.

"(Y/N), will you be my girlfriend and join my crew?" You smiled holding his face and nodding.

"Of course Apoo." You say and he pecked your lips several times. You returned the peck humming and he pulled away which caused you to pout.

"I got to introduce you to the crew." He said, and you nodded getting dressed once again. He wrapped his long arms around your waist and walked out on deck. That's when you noticed you guys already set sail.

"Listen up, starting today (Y/N) is part of the crew, and my girlfriend so no flirting with her." He said which made you laugh since he was already getting jealous. Everyone nodded and welcomed you to the crew, you kissed Apoo's cheek.

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