Summer's Love: Jinbe x Reader 2.2

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You and Jinbei had talked quite often after you got back to your home Island. You had developed a huge crush on the Fishman, not like you were ever going to tell him. Today was the last day of work before your vacation, and you couldn't wait to see Jinbei. As you were walking home, your transponder snail rang.


"Hey (Y/N), it's me, Jinbei."

"Hey Jinbei-kun how are you?"

"I am doing well. I was wondering when are you coming back to this island?"

"My family and I are packing our stuff, and we are headed there tonight. So I can't wait to see you again."

"As I you. I still owe you that dinner."

"Right, I can't wait." It was silence, and Jinbei cleared his throat, I also got something to tell you, but I rather tell you face to face." Jinbei said, and you blinked.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything is fine. I just it's really important. So I wondered if we could meet as soon as you put your bags away when you get here?"

"Uhm, yeah, of course, I will meet you at the beach we met."

"Seem like a plan. See you later." Jinbei said before hanging up. You looked at the transponder snail blinking before smiling warmly as your heart fluttered. You finally arrived home and packed your bags before meeting your family at the tier where the boat would take you to the next island. You leaned against the railing, staring out at the ocean until it was time for dinner. Once you ate, you went to your room and waited until you had arrived.

After a scary ride there, you finally arrived and went straight to the hotel room. And as promised, you went to drop your bags off before heading to the beach where you met Jinbei. You saw him at a distance looking out at sea. You stood there awhile admiring the way he looked before blushing and heading towards him. Once you got close enough, you smiled and ran before jumping on his back. Your small weight does not bother him at all.

"Hey, Jinbei!"

"Hey (Y/N)," He said, chuckling as he held your legs, so you stayed on his back. You laid your head on his shoulder, avoiding the gills on his shoulders, closing your eyes.

"Hey, you aren't going to sleep on me, are you?"

"Nope, you had something to tell me?"

"Yeah, you might want to get down for this." He suggested, and you grew worried.

"What's wrong?" He turned to you before leading you further down the beach. Once you arrived, he pulled a chair out for you, and you realized there was a candle-lit dinner with rose petals surrounding the table. You blushed sitting down, and he pushed you in before sitting down himself.

"I hope you enjoy the meal." He said before he started to eat. You smiled and ate as well, it was silent, but neither one of you mind as it was comfortable. After you finished eating, you heard some music playing in the background, and you blinked, looking around. When you turned to look at Jinbei, he had offered his hand to you with a slight blush. You blushed as well, taking his hand as he pulled you close. He placed one hand on your waist as the other cupped your other hand, and you danced with him through the entire night.

"I...was not expecting this, Jinbei."

"I said I owed you dinner."

"Yeah, but I thought you meant like at a restaurant or something."

"I rather we are alone." He confessed, and you smiled, laying your head on his chest, and he hummed.

"(Y/N), I know this is only our second time seeing each other, but we have talked every day since then, and even though we haven't seen each other often, we know everything about each other. And I honestly can't imagine you not being by my side. We talked for a full year, and I know with humans this could be too soon, but Fishman doesn't have time leverage."

"What are you saying, Jinbei?" You asked with a blush, and he looked at you, pulling away from the hug and reaching into his robe, pulling out a box.

"What I am saying (Y/N) is that Fishman, when they fall in love with the one they want to spend the rest of their lives with, they propose. So basically, what I am saying is I love you, I want to be with you for the rest of my life. (Y/N), will you do me the honor and become my bride, wife, best friend, and the world? Will you marry me??" You covered your mouth, tears brimming your eyes. Jinbei watched your reaction, his heart pounding in his chest. It took you a moment to respond, but you nodded your head.

"I don't care if it's only been a year of talking. I-I love you to Jinbei, and of course, I will marry you." You smiled, and he returned it before placing the ring on your marriage finger grasping your waist and placing a chaste kiss on your lips. You blushed gently but kissed back, hugging his neck. That night, the moon shined on the ocean, and a few curious royalty merman and mermaid, along with the king, watched the interaction.

"Mother would be so happy."

"She would, Shirohoshi," King Neptune said as they watched the two share a dance and kiss under the stars.

"This is the first step, dear. Soon, your wish will come true." Neptune looked at the stars seeing one twinkling above Jinbei.

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