Don't Take The Girl: Luffy x OC

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"Anastasia! Let's play!" Anastasia felt rubbery arms go around her waist. She laughed as Luffy stayed behind her.

"What do you want to play, Luffy?" She asked, laughing; no one on the thousand sunny understood Luffy's and Anastasia's relationship. All they knew was you guys grew up together.

"I want to play tag!"

"Is Chopper and Usopp playing too?"

"MM, let me ask them."


"I can't. I am working on new medicine right now; I will, once I am done." Chopper said.

"I am helping Franky. Same as Chopper, I will once I am done." Usopp said, getting back to work. Luffy huffed, and Anastasia giggled softly, smiling at Luffy poking his cheek.

"It can be just us, Luffy until they finish." Luffy pouted softly before smiling and nodding his head.

"Okay, shi shi shi, I will count first." Anastasia nodded and smiled brightly, running off in a different direction on the boat as Luffy was counting. Once Luffy was done counting, he ran looking for her. Anastasia was hiding under the couch where Zoro was working out.

"What are you doing?

"Hiding from Luffy. Shhh," She said, and he shook his head, lifting his weights again. Within a few moments, Luffy came crashing through the door.

"Zoro, have you seen Anastasia?"


"MMm, are you sure I haven't seen her anywhere?"

"I am sure, Luffy, check the kitchen and leave me alone," Zoro said. Luffy huffed and walked out, scratching his neck before heading to the kitchen.

"He is gone."

"Thanks, Zoro, you are the best!" She said, sneaking out of the room and looking around, hiding behind walls and barrels when she heard Luffy.

"ANASTASIA, WHERE ARE YOU?!" She heard Luffy and ran on deck, but she stopped when she saw the Marines.

They boarded the ship and took hold of her, she let out a scream, and everyone came running onto the deck.

"GUYS, THE MARINES!" Anastasia yelled.

"Strawhat Pirates, we got you now." One of them said.

"Let her go," Luffy said, adjusting his hat to where it covered his eyes. They looked at each other before one yelled, "attack." A fight broke out, and Anastasia was taken onto the marine vessel, but Luffy didn't have it.

"Gum-Gum PISTOL!" Luffy shouted, punching the guy that held her. She then felt an arm around her waist, pulling her back. She let out a squeak before looking behind her. She saw Luffy's childish smile once again.

"Thanks, Luffy."

"No problem." Anastasia leaned up and pecked his cheek gently before Luffy blushed and looked confused at her before going back to fighting the marines.

"No one can take my nakamas, especially her," Luffy said. It was a long tiring flight, and Anastasia had joined in with her bow and arrow shooting it at the marines.

"Finally," Usopp said, slumping down with Nami.

"Thanks, guys," Anastasia said, and Luffy pulled her down beside him.

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