Wishes: Rayleigh x OC

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Amaryllis approached the boat staying behind Roger. She started to play with her fingers before running into his back.


"It's okay, Amaryllis, but don't look so down." Roger laughed wholeheartedly, showing his famous smile. She merely smiled back before nodding.

"I am not down at all; I am just getting nervous. What if no one likes me?" The pirate king only patted the young girl's shoulder.

"Don't worry about that. Everyone will love you, especially since you are so young and pretty." Amaryllis blushed a bright red before following Roger again and keeping behind him. She didn't realize a pair of eyes had landed on her.

"Hey, captain, who is the pretty girl?" A random crewmate asked.

"Oh, this is Amaryllis, the current ship doctor. Until we get someone with more experience." Roger said.

"So, you are only going to replace her? That's rude." A guy came up, causing Amaryllis.

"It's not like I want to, but she won't give me a choice, or she wouldn't have joined."

"Ehhh?" Everyone said.

"I am not c-confident in my skills. I still have much to learn." She sad quietly, slowly moving from behind Roger. A redhead put his arm around her shoulder not even three minutes later.

"We look alike; I am calling you sis."

"I wanna call her sis too." A guy with a red nose said.

"... what?"

"Our hair is the same color," The redhead said, laughing.

"And I wanna call you sis. By the way, I am Buggy."

"I am Shanks."

"I told you, Amaryllis; you would be liked," Roger said, ruffling her curly red locks. She made a face but smiled.

"If you call me sis, you got to call me Onee-san since I am older."

"What, why?" The two boys said.

"I told you, I am older. I am 23-years old." The boys pouted, and the guy from earlier laughed.

"Well, welcome to the crew, Amaryllis. I am Rayleigh. If they drive you much insane, let me know." She looked up and smiled at him, nodding.

"O-Okay. I will keep that in mind." The young girl said, smiling at the older man. Rayleigh nodded and walked away from the trio; the girl watched Rayleigh walk away before turning back to them. She blinked when she saw Shanks and Buggy arguing already.

"What the ~?" She sighed and realized she would have her hands full with these two.

"The north is colder!"

"No, the south is!" They both had each other by the collars, and her eyebrow started to twitch. She heard a sigh come from behind her.

"These two..." She looked up and saw Rayleigh with one hand was on his hip.

"I am guessing this must be a normal thing." Rayleigh heard a soft voice and looked at her with a tiring smile.

"You have no idea. And I am the one who has to break it up."

"Well, let me handle it this time. Okay?" He blinked at her.

"Are you sure? Today is your first day on the ship."

"Well, they claimed me as their sister, so yeah, I am sure. A lot comes with me and being someone's sister." Amaryllis said, giving a closed eye smile. Rayleigh only nodded, and the girl went to her two new younger brothers and pulled both of their ears.

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