Hold Me Tighter: Doflamingo x Reader

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Doflamingo stayed in his room, away from everyone and everything. He didn't want to be bothered. He knew he would snap if anyone bothered him. Doflamingo hasn't been able to sleep for the past week because of the nightmares of his past. He knew only one person could calm his nerves and help him sleep. That person was the very same person who he started to push away. You. You always helped Doflamingo ever since he was young with his nightmares.

Doflamingo laid back in his chair, putting a book over his face after removing his glasses. He wished you would come here. He needed you to hold him tighter. He wanted to feel your fingers running through his hair, telling him everything would be okay. Doflamingo may have denied it with everyone else, but he could never deny to himself that he loved you.

A soft knock came on the door. It was like the heavens were listening to his wishes. He didn't bother to get up because he knew you would walk in. A few minutes later, you walked in to see Doflamingo in the chair. You frown softly, closing and locking the door before sitting next to him on the chair. Doflamingo didn't even bother to remove the book. Even though he had hoped you would come, he didn't see himself giving himself to you.

He hated feeling vulnerable when he was a ruthless pirate. He was a warlord of all things. He shouldn't be vulnerable at all. You gently removed the book from Doflamingo's face and gazed upon his face. He opened his eyes and stared at you. He remained silent, but you could tell he was exhausted. Despite sitting on the armrest, you pulled Doflamingo's head to your chest. He tensed slightly before wrapping his arms around your waist.

No words were needed. You already knew what dream haunted him. You knew he hadn't been sleeping. You knew you weren't going back to your room tonight. He pulled you into his lap before tightening his grip around your waist. You continued to run your hands through his hair before placing gentle kisses on top of his head. He sighed softly, closing his eyes, embracing the warmth of you being so close.

"(Y/N), please hold me tighter." He said. His voice wasn't like his taunting voice. It was way softer. You did as he asked. You squeezed him tighter to you as if you were piecing everything back together for him.

"Young Master, we should get you to bed." You say against his hair.

"Will you leave?"

"No, I will stay until you are okay again." You say, pulling from him. He unwrapped his arms from you. You stood up, taking his larger rough hand into your smaller one. You led him to the bed, and you laid down on the bed first. Normally you wouldn't have, but Doflamingo's favorite position when he is like this is to lay his head on your stomach. He laid down, placing his head on your stomach and wrapping his arms around you again. You started to run your hands through his hair again, occasionally massaging his scalp. Your fingers then ran over a spot that made him relax behind his ear. He buried his face into your stomach deeper as he let a content sigh escape his lips. You wrapped both your arms around his neck, holding him tighter. You began to hum a song that always helped him fall asleep.

Doflamingo could feel his eyes grow heavy. For once this week, he could feel welcome to sleep. He knew with you here. He wouldn't have the nightmares. It was like you were the only person that could chase the terrible dreams away. You welcomed this role since you cared for him more than you should. You could hear the small snoring from Doflamingo. You smiled gently to yourself. You began to run your fingers through his hair again to help keep him asleep.

Once you were sure he wasn't going to wake up, you decided to get some rest yourself. You closed your eyes, falling asleep. You continued moving your fingers through his hair as you both slept. You both provided each other the warmth that you both craved most.

Doflamingo woke up the next morning, holding you tightly. He moved his head from your stomach, only to feel your fingers in his hair. He looked up at you and gently removed your hands before laying beside you. He watched as you slept. That was the best sleep he had had since the nightmares had started again. He didn't want you to leave when you realized he was okay again.

Doflamingo pulled you to his chest gently, but the slightest movement woke you up. You opened your eyes to be met with Doflamingo's eyes. You smiled, rubbing your eyes as you sat up, and he kissed your cheek. You blinked, confused, and you went to get up, but Doflamingo wrapped his arms around you tightly.

"Don't leave," Doflamingo said. He knew you wouldn't leave if he asked.

"I didn't plan to Young Master. I was getting your glasses." You said. He blinked before nodding his head. You went to get his glasses before setting them on his face; when you finished adjusting them, Doflamingo wrapped his arms around you again. You sat on his lap, looking up at him. He leaned his head on your shoulder, sighing. You wrapped your arms holding him tightly as he relaxed in your hold.

"(Y/N), I want you to start sleeping in here with me. That's an order." He said against your neck.

"You didn't have to make it an order. If you wanted me to, I would have stayed willingly." You say with a shy smile.

"Why? Do you not fear me?"

"I love you, Young Master." You whisper, looking down. Doflamingo froze against your neck. He never expected that you would love him. Yet here you are confessing your love to him. He pulled his face away only to look at you to see if you were lying. Your eyes only held the truth of what you truly felt for him. You took a deep breath before pressing your lips to his. You hoped he wouldn't hate you afterward or punish you for doing something like this. You figured it would be worth it, though.

Doflamingo would be lying if he wasn't surprised that you kissed him first, but he pulled you closer. He licked your bottom lip, which you gave him access to. You hummed into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck as he took dominance of your cavern. He made it where you would straddle him and press yourself against him.

You pulled away after air became necessary before laying your head on his shoulder. You sighed softly as he rubbed circles on your waist.

"I'm sorry Young Master...I..." he placed a finger to your lips, shaking his head and making you wrap your arms around him again.

"Don't say anything. I needed to hear that. I love you too. You are mine now. Anyone who touches you, I will kill them." He said. You smiled, feeling your cheeks heat up.

"Hold me tighter now. I want to be close to you." He stated, and you held him tight.

"Alright, Young Master."

"Call me Doffy now. We are past that." He whispered as he kissed your neck gently. You kissed his head, closing your eyes. You held him tighter, and for once, he felt complete.

The tighter you held him, Doflamingo felt like all of his broken pieces were being melded together once again. He felt happy and knew he would be okay if he ever had the nightmares again because you would be there.

One Piece One Shot Book *discontinued*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu