Daddy: Whitebeard x OC

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(A/N: My book "Into The Future" is actually an idea that came from this one shot that I wrote. ^^ I took this one shot and turned into an actual book that is x reader don't state the obvious)

A little girl ran onto a ship hiding from the villages. She didn't know what ship she was on or who's ship it was. She just wanted to get away from the village. She hid her guitar on her back, hiding in a barrel after hiding her guitar. She felt the ship start to move, and she hoped she could get by without being noticed.

A week passed, and the little girl was still in the barrel. She hadn't eaten since she left the island, and she knew she couldn't hang out like this much longer. That's when she heard voices and felt the barrel move, and she squeaked softly and heard her guitar fall. She cringed slightly.

"I think this barrel still has sake in it."

"Who's the guitar is that? The men looked at each other, then at the guitar, then at the barrel. They opened the barrel lid, and that's when they saw the little girl with torn clothes dirty from head to toe. She looked up to see a guy with a pompadour hairstyle and a guy with freckles. She scooted further into the barrel.

"Hey pops, we found a child in a barrel. The freckled face said.

"Is this guitar yours? The pompadour hair guy said. The girl leaped out of the barrel, but the guy took her guitar.


"Owe. that hurts."

"Dude, she just bit you." Freckled face laughed as crewmates started to gather around.

"What's your name?"

"...." She pulled a knife and held it to him.

"Whoa there. We don't plan to hurt you." He lifted his hands in the air.

"She has been through hell." She glanced at the guy who looked feminine.

"Izo, didn't we see her running from the villagers?"

"Yepp, so can't blame her."

"What do we do with her. We don't know her name."

"She won't have one," Izo said.

"How do you know?"

"I asked the village about her."

"Grarararara, I saw her come on board, but I didn't bother her thinking she would come and eat, but she never left the barrel." She looked up and squealed loudly and ran behind the barrel when she saw how tall he was.

"Can we keep her, pops?" Izo asked.

"Grararara, she can be my daughter." She peeked from behind the barrel, narrowing her eyes. She didn't trust them.

"Well, I should cook something she hasn't eaten for a week. Are you hungry?" Pompadour said.

"Thatch that's a good idea, go ahead; I will clean her up," Izo said. She clung to the guitar for dear life and moved away.

"It's okay. You can trust us," Izo said, smiling warmly. She looked up at him as he offered her his hand. She shyly took it and set the guitar down, but freckle face grabbed it.

"Ace, take her guitar and put it in a safe spot." She looked up at him as he nodded and flashed her smile.

"What should we call you, dear?"


"How about Layla? It's a pretty name for a pretty girl," Haruta asked, and the girl beamed at the name, nodding but blushed at the compliment hiding in front of Izo again. Everyone cooed at her cuteness.

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