Until Next Time: Child! Arlong x Child! OC

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[These are before they fully started hating humans, and Jinbei is five years older than Arlong, so Arlong is about 7 in this, which means Jinbei is 12 years old. He doesn't hate humans at this age, either. Don't base this solely on the anime, only some similarities and differences]

Arlong was swimming the others to the surface to see the bright lights of Sabaody Park. They had longed to go there and wanted to live on land alongside humans, but they knew that would never be the case because the humans hated them. Called them monsters, filthy beings, and they always treated fishmen badly. When they reached the surfaces, a soft smile brightened their young lips as they stared at the sky with the fireworks.

"I hope to one day go there," Hatchi said, looking out at the park.

"Don't be stupid. You know they will never accept us fishmen," Arlong said though he was sad they weren't. At the same time, he was angry. Angry for being outcasted and looked down upon because he was a fish.

"I am sure one day the world will change. Not all humans are bad..." A soft voice came from the shore. Hatchi, Arlong, Kuroobi, and Chew looked at the small human girl. She had long brown curly hair in a high ponytail, deep chocolate brown eyes with mixed skin.

"Oh, I am so sorry forgot it wasn't polite to jump into other people's conversations. I am Sophia. You can call me Sophie, though, if you want. It's nice to meet you." She did a little curtsy with her dress.

"A human is being nice to us. Why." Kuroobi asked, looking at her. She blinked and shrugged, sitting back down.

"You never gave me a reason not to like you. So I won't judge you until you give me a reason to."

"Don't lie to us." Arlong snarled at her, swimming to the shore. He was never snapped at humans, but for some reason, he didn't like the way this girl made his heart pound.

"I am not lying. I am friends with a Fishman." She giggled.


"Hmm, I don't wanna tell you because you were trying to be mean." She stuck her tongue out, and Arlong huffed, looking away. Chew noticed how his friend and brother acted and whispered something to Kuroobi.

"Princess Sophie, where are you?" A familiar voice was heard from the water, and Sophie squealed and raced to her friend.
"Jinbei!" Arlong turned his head and saw Sophie hug Jinbei.

"How are you, princess."

"I told you to call me Sophie Jinbei."

"I know I am sorry." He said, but he looked over at Arlong and the others and looked back at you.

"Making more friends? Or is Arlong messing with you?"

"Hey," Arlong said, and Sophie giggled.

"No, he isn't bothering me."

"Okay, well, I brought you candy as I promised."

"Really!?" Sophie's eyes brightened as she looked at it before taking it and looking at it.

"It's a popular candy for kids your age," Jinbei said.

"Hey, I am not a kid."

"You are seven, so you are a kid." Sophie huffed and popped the candy in her mouth, and Jinbei patted her head before heading back to the water.
"Don't stay out too late. It's dangerous, Sophie, you too, Arlong, Hatchi, Kuroobi, and Chew." Jinbei swam back to his home.

"I didn't know you were friends with him," Arlong said quietly. Sophie looked up and nodded.

"Hai... I am. I can be your friend too." She said, laying on her hands, looking at the young fisherman.

"Won't your parents get mad?" Hatchi asked, and she shook her head.

"They don't have to know. I just can't visit all the time because they are training me to be the Queen."

"Do you plan to be a celestial distasteful," Arlong said, crossing his arms.

"You are right and wrong. When I become Queen, I will make peace with Fishman and humans. They will be able to come and visit. No violence or anything, just peace. I can't wait to get older." Chew and Kuroobi grabbed Hatchi before swimming away. When Arlong looked at them, he realized they were already gone.

"Why did they leave?"

"Who knows." With that, he pulled himself out of the water and lay in the grass, looking at the sky. Sophie did the same thing and smiled.

"The stars are so pretty here." She said, and Arlong looked over at her, and she looked back at him.

"Sophia!" Sophie heard her mom yelling for her.

"Arlong, get back in the water before my mom sees you." Arlong nodded and jumped into the water, hiding.

"Don't you know it's dangerous here?"

"I know. I just love the water, mother you know my horoscope is a Pisces." She said, and her mom shook her head.

"Five more minutes, meet me in front of the gates, okay." Her mom said and walked away. Arlong popped his out of the water again and looked at her. She looked back at him and kissed his cheek quickly.

"Until next time, Arlong-chan!" Arlong blushed and huffed, touching his cheek watching his first crush leave before going back underwater.

One Piece One Shot Book *discontinued*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن