Date Me: Shanks x Reader 1.2

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You were talking with the Bartender laughing as you took another drink from your cup. You were out enjoying a drink since it was boring and nothing else was going on. It was a peaceful day until a bunch of rowdy pirates came in and a redhead sat next to you. It went from a quiet day to a loud obnoxious day within a few moments. This made you sigh out and the bartender couldn't help but laugh at your sigh.

"You jinxed it (Y/N)."

"Curse it, I may have to find business elsewhere." You teased and the bartender only fake a gasp.
"Oh no, my most loyal customer wants to leave because she can't handle loud pirates. What am I ever going to do? Oh, right I don't have to do anything because she hates all the other bars." He laughed and you tossed your empty mug at his head and he caught it with a smirk.

"I hate you sometimes..." You said laughing softly.

"Oh, I am glad we didn't run a pretty lady like yourself out of here." You looked over at the captain with a serious expression. Everyone fell silent and Shanks wondered if he had said something wrong.

"Keep it in your pants... don't try to flirt with me because you can't get me in your bed..." You said quickly, his sweatdropped and his crew began laughing at him.

"I didn't mean it like that..."

"Sure you didn't..." You said flipping your hair over your shoulder as your bartender placed another mug of sake in front of you along with some food. You went to eat but the Red-Haired pirate went to grab your mug and you attempted to stab him with your fork.

"Don't. You. Dare...." You said to him, and he had that playful smile on his face. You glanced at the Bartender who was refilling mugs and replacing barrels and he was quite amused at your situation.

"What do you want red hair?" You raised an eyebrow at him, and he pulled your chair closer but you kicked him out of his own chair. Everyone began laughing at their captain's misfortune of trying to win you over.

"You are violent..." He said puffing his cheeks out, you looked away since he was quite adorable. You went back to eating, and he got back in his chair before you felt someone wrap their arms around you. You froze and you glanced to your side before seeing Red Hair was in his seat looking at you, so you knew it wasn't him.

"Oi, let her go..." You heard the bartender say, and the person laughed. You knew that laugh from anywhere and it was ex.

"I don't have to, she is after all my girlfriend."

"No, I am not. We broke up a month ago..." You growled trying to get his arms off of you but he tightened his arms around you. It got quiet and you tried to pull away but you were stuck between him and the counter.

"Let me go..." You said, clearly looking uncomfortable. Shanks got up grabbing your ex's arm.

"She said to let go..." Shanks said, and your Ex looked at him.

"Like hell, she is coming with me."

"I am pretty sure she doesn't want to. So let her go. You are making her uncomfortable..." Shanks said calmly, you looked at him and your ex pulled you out of your chair causing you to fall to the ground.

"Get up (Y/N).... now... we are leaving. " He said, but before he could grab you again the crowd of pirates surrounded him.

"You need to learn how to treat a lady," Yassop said growling since he couldn't imagine anyone doing that to his wife back home. Shanks hat shadowed his eyes, and when he glanced at you, he saw how shaken up you were. He walked around your ex and knelt beside you as the bartender separated everyone before a fight broke out.

"You need to leave." The bartender said, and Shanks helped you up.

"Are you okay (Y/N)...right?" You slowly nodded your head and Shanks kept both of his arms around you just in case you were too shaken up to stand.

"Y-Yeah I am fine thanks..." You said, and your ex went to grab you again before he left the bartender was about to step in but Benn hit him with his rifle sending him flying out of the door.

"There he shouldn't bother you anymore," Benn said, and you nodded.

"Thank you, I appreciate it guys..." You said and you let go of Shanks who still had his arms around you. You sighed softly parting from him completely and he dropped his arms to his side, Shanks watched you as you sat back down and he stared out the door where your ex was originally but it seemed he left for the time being.

The bartender filled your mug again, and he patted your shoulder. You smiled slightly at him before looking down as you were no longer in a playful mood and Shanks could tell.

"If you want one of us can walk you home when you are ready to go," Shanks said, you met his eyes and he looked serious and not his normal playful self.

"Thank you Red Hair, but it's fine. I am okay. I promise." You said with a small smile. He nodded his head and poked your side because he wanted to see you smile. You gasp and squirmed trying to keep from laughing.

"W-What the hell..."

"You are ticklish..." Shanks smirked, and your eyes widen and you went to further away from him.

"Stay away or I will kick your ass." You said, and Shanks got up and you almost forgot about the incident with your ex since Shanks was trying to attack you himself. The bartender laughed at the two of you and everyone began laughing, you ran between tables threatening him.

"Shanks, I will kick you in your throat." You yelled as you jumped out of his reach when he jumped at you.

You hid behind Benn, and when Benn went to move out the way you stayed behind him trying to keep Shanks moving hands away from you. Benn sighed at his captain and you, you both were like kids and he was used to his captain but he wasn't expecting you to react the way you were.

"Benn get your captain now..." You said...

"Captain stop..."

"I don't wanna don't take away the fun..." Shanks said as he reached around Benn but you backed away from him tripping over Lucky Roo. You let a gasp before Shanks wrapped his arms around you to catch you. You flushed slightly pushing Shanks off of you before he tried anything and you ran back to your seat huffing.

"Looks like someone else knows your secret."

"Shut up..." You mumbled and Shanks poked your side suddenly making you laugh and smack his hand away.

"Stop that damn it..."

"You are smiling now..." He said, and you huffed.

"Idiot..." You said going to eat but Shanks only shrugged the insult off. He did what he wanted and that was to make you smile and he noticed you haven't shaken up anymore. He wrapped his arms around you and you glanced at him before leaning into him. He smiled and kissed your cheek making you blush and you pushed him away from you. The bartender who was your closest friend knew you were warming up to Shanks but he didn't say anything. He only gave you a knowing grin, as you continued to be a Tsunade.

"I am going to convince you to date me, maybe join my crew if my luck goes right."

"Ha, good luck Red Hair don't get your hopes up." You said finishing your mug.

"You will get so sick of me that you will agree."

"That makes absolutely no sense." You said, and Shanks grinned at you.

"It doesn't now... but it will..."

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