Accidental Kiss: Fisher Tiger x Reader

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You were currently in one of the stores on Fisherman Island. You had run out of food due to being too busy and lazy to go before. Queen Otohime had managed to convince you to stay down on Fishman Island when she had visited the service. You had protected her against some of the humans that tried to hurt her. She was quite persistent after that day, and to get her to be quiet, you agreed to live or stay for the time being.
You didn't know if you would have been on Fishman Island for two years. You had grown quite close to several of the merfolk and Fishman. Jinbei, Camie, Hachi, and the princess Shirahoshi were your best friends that you could go to any time.

"Hmm, maybe I will make Jinbei's favorite dish today." You mumble to yourself as you pay for the stuff before walking out of the store. You looked up at the sky or water in this case, there weren't stars like it was on land, but it was beautiful still. You focused back on your journey before seeing everyone welcoming a Fishman back.

"Welcome back, Brother Ti." You heard Jinbei's voice.

"Tsk," Arlong said, making you shake your head slightly. You decided not to bother the three since you didn't know who the other freshman was. You continued to walk before feeling someone tap your shoulder. You turned around to see Jinbei with a small smile on his face.

"Hey, Jinbei..." You say with a smile matching his.

"You were going to pass me without saying hi? That is odd for you." He stated you shrugged your shoulders gently.

"Well, you seemed busy. So I didn't want to intrude." You say, shifting your weight onto your other foot.

"I see. Well, you should meet Brother Ti," Jinbei said, and your eyes widened slightly as he began to make his way to his brother.

"Wait, Jinbei; I gotta get home. I got groceries." You said, trying to stop him, but it was too late because Jinbei pointed to you talking to the pinkish Fishman. His eyes met yours, and there was something written on his face. It made you a bit uneasy; you waved slightly the best you could with a hand full of groceries. He made his way over to you by himself. Just then, you heard Arlong and Jinbei arguing.

"So you are (Y/N)?" He asked.

"Yepp, that is me..." You said, not good with new people. You looked everywhere but him, and he managed to pick up on it.

"I am Fisher Tiger, but you can call me Ti or Tiger." He offered a handshake to you; you looked at his hand before setting your bags down.

"Right, you have groceries, don't set it on the ground." He managed to stop you; you blinked before smiling gently.

"Thank you." You say with a gentle smile; he felt himself smile softly.

"Uhm, I will make dinner tonight; you are more than welcome to join. Jinbei, Hachi, and sometimes Arlong come." You say.

"Oh, you don't have to invite me. I don't want to int~" Your eyes widened when Ti began to fall forward, as his sentence was cut short. Arlong tripped backward when Jinbei punched Arlong. Fisher Tiger fell towards you, and just like that, you both were lip-locked as you fell on your back and the groceries fell to the ground. His eyes widened at the sudden kiss; everyone froze as they turned to see the commotion. Arlong was sitting on Fisher Tiger, who was on top of you. Parents covered their kids' eyes. Your face erupted into flames. Just as the Queen arrived, she gasped, and you knew you weren't going to hear the end of it.

"Arlong, get off of Brother Ti. You are going to flatten (Y/N). Don't forget she is human and can break." Jinbe stated. Arlong got off his brother, and they both noticed your two's situation.

"(Y/N) is going to kill us," Arlong mumbled.

"Not before Brother Ti," Jinbei said, cringing slightly.

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