First Day Crush: Garp x Reader

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You walked through the corridors of marine headquarters. It was your first day starting as a marine and you were going to work directly under Garp. It kind of made you nervous, you stopped outside the door and knocked on it. You heard a soft mumble from the other side of the door before hearing them say come in. Once you opened the door you saw the older guy who you would be working under.

"H-Hey I am (Y/N). I am the one that will be working under you, sir." You saluted and Garp just looked at you with a rice cracker in his mouth and he grinned.

"Well, I didn't know I would have such a young pretty lad working with me," Garp said after swallowing the cracker and laughing. You turned a bunch of different shades of red and looked the other way.

"Thank you, sir. Uhm what did you want me to do?"

"Mmmm this paperwork?" He looked at you seeing how far he can go without doing any work.

"Oh yeah sure. No problem." You scurried to his desk and grabbed the papers. He stopped you at that moment though.

"Since you don't have an office you can sit here thanks again (Y/N)," Garp said getting up and allowing you to sit down when you nodded and walked passed him he took a glance at your behind and grinned. You went straight to work and he headed out the door.

"I will be back." And with that, he left you to the paperwork smiling widely for multiple reasons. He went to bother Sengoku as he always did. Once he arrived at the Fleet Admiral's office he walked in.

"Hey Sengoku, thanks for sending me a little cutie."

"I had no choice but to put her under you. Akainu would have been too harsh. Kizaru is a bit weird. That left you, Smoker, and Aokiji. Smoker and Aokiji have filled positions because of the new marines before her. So that leads to you." Sengoku said sighing softly.

"Well, I will make sure to treat her well then."

"Don't do anything that will make me regret putting her with you. Wait a minute why aren't you doing the paperwork you had 10 stacks from slacking off."

"(Y/N) decided to do it for me she offered."

"Did she offer or did you tell her."

"Hey I didn't tell her I asked her and she said yeah." Sengoku rubbed his face sending a glare to Garp.

"Go do the paperwork, Garp," Sengoku yelled getting into Garp's face and grabbing him by the collar. Garp was laughing harder lifting his hands in a defensive mode.

"Alright, alright," Garp said leaving the office and heading back to his own. His mind was directly on you and once he opened the door, he stood there watching you. You were deep in thought and had your tongue out before putting the pen in her mouth. He watched you before walking over and putting his head on your shoulder. She jumped and blushed to look at the vice admiral.

"V-Vice Admiral Garp... what are you doing?"

"Oh just seeing how the paperwork is going."

"Oh, it's going okay."

"Let me help you."

"O-Okay." Garp pulled up a chair and you both finally finished the paperwork.

"Good work (Y/N), if you don't mind I would like to take a pretty lady on a date."

"Is that appropriate?" You asked looking away from him. He wasn't bad-looking and you had to admit you had a small crush on him.

"Of course it is." He grinned wrapping his arm around your waist and you bit your lip but smiled.

"Okay then. I would like that then." You say standing up and Garp stood up and you both walked out of the headquarters and headed to a small café. Once you both ordered what you wanted you had a seat near the window and you noticed Garp was staring at you the whole time.

"Is something on my face?"

"No, you are just really cute. "

"Will you stop?"


"I am not used to the compliments."

"Well get used to them as long as you are working with me they are gonna continue to come out of my mouth," Garp said taking her hand and kissing it.

"Of course as long as you don't mind an old geezer hitting on you."

"O-Of course not. You are r-really handsome."

"Oh have a crush on a first day on your boss."

"W-what no"

"Oh come on I have a crush on you."

"You do?"


"You barely know me."

"Well that is why it's a crush it's not live yet but it can be..."

"Well that's true I guess." You say looking away and Garp poked and pinched your cheek gently before leaning in and pecking it.

"So cute."

"Handsome." You mumble eating your cake as you glanced at him and he laughed.

"Garp quit flirting with the recruit." You both turn to see Sengoku and blink.

"Hey, it's fun she is cute."

"That she is but she is here for working."

"And she can do both." Sengoku looked at you apologetically.

"I am sorry (Y/N) if it gets too much let me know."

"It's okay Fleet Admiral Sengoku. I don't mind too much thank you though."

"Ha, a youngster likes me as well." Garp laughed and Sengoku sweatdropped and looked at you patting your head. Sengoku walked away and you buried your face in your hands.

"What's wrong."

"It's embarrassing when you tell people that."

"It's fine you will live. You should have more confidence."

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