A New Years Kiss: Jabra x OC

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Alyssa smiled as she got ready. She was prepping herself for the New Year's party. She never really got out much, but for this, once she let her friend talk her into going to the New Year's Party at her co-worker's house. She wore a pair of blue jeans, a sparkly red shirt, and some flats. She straightened her naturally curly hair before applying light makeup. She didn't want to stand out but enough to notice a difference. This was going to be her year. She was not going to push people away, be a bit more outgoing and maybe even find romance. She sighed, pushed her hair behind her ear, grabbed her phone, and headed out to her co-worker's house. Once she was walking, she noticed a group of people talking about the party.

"I can't believe Iceberg I allowing a party in the Mayor's mansion." One guy said she soon recognized them as the former shipwrights of Doc 1. With a few newbies. She wondered why they were here. Did Iceberg forgive them? And allow them to come?

"I can't believe he is allowing us back after we tried to kill him." She recognized what Kaku said. And yes, that answered her question. She noticed one guy turn back to look at her, and she blinked and looked away. She missed his grin and the fact he whispered to some of the crew. She kept looking at the ground, her shyness kicking in. She didn't look up until she bumped into someone.

"Ouch..." She said, rubbing her forehead.

"Hey, Alyssa..." She looked up to see her former best friend Kalifa looking at her with a smile.

"Oh....hi...." Kalifa adjusted her glasses.

"Still shy... Jabra, that's Sexual Harassment." Alyssa blinked and looked up only to realize how close his face was to hers. She squealed and pushed him away.

"Want to walk with us? If not, we understand." Blue said.

"Oh... it's uhm fine. Thanks." She said, smiling softly as she looked down. Jabra blinked as he watched her as they walked, but he kept looking away when he thought he would be caught. Once they arrived at Iceberg's mansion, Jabra held the door open for them.

"I can't believe you are going to this party, Alyssa," Khalifa said.

"Well, I told myself I would get out more, to be honest, so that's what I intend to do," Alyssa said, smiling, walking, and hugging Iceberg.

"Wow~Welcome everyone. Now that you guys are the last to arrive, the party can truly begin." He handed Alyssa a drink before looking at the former shipwrights before walking away. Alyssa managed to separate herself from the agents and sit on the couch watching the large t.v. since there was nothing else she liked to do. She felt someone sit beside her, and she turned to see the guy earlier.

"Don't mind if I sit here, do you?" Jabra asked, and Alyssa shook her with a light blush. He chuckled softly and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"Do you talk at all?"

"Yeah, I do. I just get awkward."

"Well, be yourself. No need to be awkward or anything." Jabra said, smiling at her. She smiled back and nodded, leaning into him lightly. He chuckled as he started to make jokes and make her laugh.

"Omg, no way. Kaku did?" Alyssa asked, laughing, and he nodded. Kaku heard his name and narrowed his eyes at Jabra and Alyssa.

"I think I just became the laughing stock of those two," Kaku mumbled.

"I think we all have," Lucci said, eyeing them.

"Who knew the mutt would find someone decent in looks and whatnot." Lucci finished, and Kaku laughed lightly.

"Oh, you are zoan type like the others. A wolf model is so cool. I love wolves." She said excitingly.

"What to see it after the ball drop tonight?" He asked.

"Yes~ please..." She said she shoved him gently as he teased her. The night continued until it was finally 5 minutes left. The pair didn't realize how close they had gotten in their conversations and whatnot.

"Okay, everyone grabs your partner because we got a minute before the ball drops. " Iceberg said, and Alyssa looked to Jabra, and he grinned.

"Wanna be my partner?"

"Partner for what?" She asked, blinking slightly.

"You will see." He said, grinning wider. Everyone that had crushes on people or were together was partnering up. She kept blinking, confused but the count down started.

"" As everyone counted down to one, Jabra pulled Alyssa in his arms and pressed a kiss to her lips. Her eyes widened, and she gasped, blushing a bright red. Jabra took this opportunity to slip his tongue into her cavern before pulling away, smiling.

"Be my girlfriend, Alyssa? I know we just met, but in the time we met, I soon found myself falling in love with you." Jabra said, whispering in her ear. She flushed and glanced at the cp9 agents, Iceberg and Paulie, smiling.

"U-Uh... I would love to..." She said, looking at him, and he pecked her lips again.

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