Let Me Follow You: Bellamy x Reader 1.2

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Bellamy sat in the corner. He knew Doflamingo was coming for him. After all, he lost the match to win the Flare-Flare Fruit. He wasn't going down without a fight, though. He would be killed, so he would fight for his life if he had to. He downed a mug of sake before ordering another one. He heard the doors open to the bar, and his head shot up, thinking it could be one of Doflamingo's crew members. But he was wrong, but it was a beautiful lady with (h/c) that went down to her back. She had a beautiful smile that lit up the bar, and it seemed a lot of people knew who she was.

"Looking good (Y/N)." The bartender said. She laughed, nodding her head.

"Thank you." You say, stretching your arms above your head. You were wearing an (f/c) blouse, a pair of fitting jeans, and a pair of boots. Bellamy couldn't look away from you. He was in a complete trance. So he didn't see a punch flying toward his face sending him into the wall. You quickly turned your head to the commotion to see a guy that was punched and the guy who through a punch.

"Fuck me..." The bartenderBartender said.

"What's wrong?"

"That's Dellinger, one of Doflamingo's crewmates."

"Ah, you have to say no more," you say, ignoring what was happening.

"Anyway, can I have a glass of sake?" You asked. The bartender knew you were crazy, so he didn't bother to give you a crazy look. But that didn't stop others from doing so. You sipped your sake as the two began to fight. Everyone but you and the bartender ran out of there. It wasn't long before the furniture was being thrown.

"Miss, you should leave." The larger guy said, panting as he hit the bar beside you.

"I will live." You say as a chair hits you in the head, the bartender'sBartender's eyes go out of his head. Just then, more of Doflamingo's goonies came. You sighed as it got too loud, and you finished the sake. The bartender ended up refilling it before hiding behind the bar again. Just then, an attack hit your head, you didn't know if you were starting to be the target of attacks, but it was starting to get annoying.

"Seriously, things are about to get ugly." It was his last comment before getting sent into the wall.

"I told you..." another chair hit your head.

"That I..." A table hit you in the back-breaking in half. You had a tick mark on your head.

"Was fine..." Another attack managed to break the mug in your hand.

"Do people these days... have no respect?" You started to get angry. The bartender gulped, getting you another sake.

"A-Are you okay (Y/N)?" He asked.

"Peachy." Then someone got sent flying into you.

"That's it time to teach them some freaking manners." You slammed your hands on the bar table.

"Finally..." Bellamy mumbled, but his eyes widened when you sent an attack to several of them flying.

"Are you crazy? I already have a death wish, woman; what about you?!" Bellamy saw Dellinger attack the girl, but she took a deep breath before grabbing him by his throat and slamming him to the floor. She then whistled, and they all looked up as a dragon appeared behind her.

"You work for Doflamingo? Send him a message if he has any decency, either attempt to kill a person himself... or leave it. Also, you guys should seriously learn how not to attack innocent civilians." You say sending him flying through multiple buildings. Her dragon roared, and any remaining conscious people ran away from the dragon. Your eye twitched before you looked over at the larger male. He looked at you, surprised someone so pretty could even hold themselves against Doflamingo's crew.

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