Welcome: ASL x Reader 2.??

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You woke up the next morning, feeling extremely warm. You were confused for a moment before noticing that Luffy and Ace were clinging to you, and you three had a blanket covering you. You felt your cheeks heat up but you cuddled more into the boys. You felt safe in their arms and you couldn't but smile as you closed your eyes.

It has been less than 24 hours, and you already felt really close to them. You were still hurting from the breakup, but you had a feeling they would make everything better.

"You are up, are you hungry?" You blinked and met Sabo's eyes and you smiled warmly.

"I am, I didn't really eat much yesterday."

"I figured, I will cook breakfast."

"Let me help."

"You are tangled in their arms, if you move they won't let you go."

"You don't think so?"

"Try." He leaned against the wall amused as you went to get up but Luffy's and Ace's arms wrapped around you. They pulled you back down and mumbled about you staying. You blushed and let a squeak out as they both cuddled into you more.


"Told ya, they should be waking up slowly." He said chuckling and leaving you at the mercy of the two boys. You sighed but relaxed slightly against them. You ended up stroking both boys' hair as you watched them sleep.

You smiled to yourself but then a thought came across which caused you to frown. You were supposed to get your stuff today. Great. As if the world was against you, your phone started to ring and you reached out for it.


"Where are you (Y/N)..."

"(Ex-Boyfriend's name), why are you calling me?"

"You didn't come home last night. Where are you?"

"That is none of your concern, I am coming later to pick up my stuff."

"You have nowhere to go, so you have to come back."

"I-" your phone was taken and you turned to Ace and he was frowning.

"You don't have to worry about her, she has friends she staying with. We will be picking her stuff up if you know what's good for you. Stop calling." With that Ace hung up and gave you his goofy grin.

"There, if he calls back let one of us answer it (Y/N)."

"Alright Ace, I will, thank you."

He nodded and kissed your cheek before getting up and going to his room to get ready for the day. You blushed and touched your cheek before shaking your head.

"You are staying with us right?" You turned to meet Luffy's eyes and you chuckled.

"Yeah, you guys seem pretty attached to me already."

"Yes! SABO! I'M HUNGRY!" He rushed to the kitchen and you laughed.

"I am cooking, be patient."

"Sabo, question where are my clothes you washed yesterday? I don't think it would be appropriate for me to wear Luffy's clothes to my ex's house."

"It's laid out in your room."

"Thank you." You went to your room, but you forgot what door was yours. You chewed your lip, blinking slightly.

You opened a random door, but you quickly realized it was the wrong room. It was Ace's room and he was changing, he blinked and you blushed ten shades of red.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry!" You quickly shut the door, practically slamming it. You turned around to see Sabo amused and you covered your face.

"Your room is the one next to his..." Sabo was trying not to laugh and you nodded locking yourself into your room. Your heart was racing, and you slid down the door. Sabo walked into Ace's room and noticed that the man himself was blushing too.

"Well, that was amusing to see."

"Shut up."

"I am just saying, breakfast is ready. After breakfast, we should go ahead and grab her stuff."

"Alright, how many people are coming?"

"Well, Marco, Sanji, Thatch, Zoro, Luffy and you want to go. Izo and Robin said they will come to keep (Y/N) calm."

"Seems good, I rather keep her away from the guy. He seems controlling."

"Probably is," Sabo said as they walked out to the kitchen, where they saw you sitting next to Luffy. You hadn't started eating until they came and they sat down. They began to eat and you started as well.

"(Y/N), after we get your stuff we should throw a small party for you," Sabo said with a smile.

"Huh? Why?"

"To formally welcome you here, that's how we do things." Ace said and you looked at him, but quickly looked away. You were still affected by the fact you walked in on him getting dressed. Ace blinked before realizing that you were still embarrassed.

"You guys don't have to do that."

"We want to, we always need a reason to party." Ace chuckled and you looked down playing with your food.

"Don't get too shy now, everyone can't wait to officially meet you." Ace wrapped an arm around your shoulders and you tensed.


"Mhmm, you weren't exactly in the right mindset, but now~"

"They want to include you in the trouble they get in." Sabo cut off Ace and he was pouting.

"Not true."

"Very true."



You watched as Sabo and Ace began to argue and you couldn't help but giggle. The sound brought Sabo and Ace out of the argument and they watched you laugh. You covered your mouth as you continued to laugh, and Ace had a goofy smile on his face. Sabo was smiling sweetly and Luffy well was being Luffy.

"Your laugh is pretty, you should do it more." Ace said suddenly and you stopped and hid your face with your hair.

"Don't randomly say things like that. It's embarrassing." You grumbled and shoved food in your mouth trying to take the attention off of you.

"Well we should finish eating, so we can get your stuff and then come back to set up for the party," Sabo said and Luffy perked up.

"Will there be meat at the party?"

"Yes, Luffy. When isn't their meat?" Sabo sighed softly shaking his head softly.

"Can we have, (f/f) as well?" You asked shyly and they nodded.

"It's your party of course." Ace said and you laughed softly shaking your head.

"This is so weird, I won't be used to this."

"You will..." Sabo said encouragingly.

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