Chapter 44 (One month later)

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One month later...PARIS.

        I don't know how a month went by so fast. I guess I do know. I haven't stopped for even a second since deciding I wanted to say yes to Helen Barton's offer to move to Paris for this internship. Elio and I had a strained relationship after what happened with Dom, but when I told him about the work opportunity I was offered he agreed I should do it. Whether that was to keep me away from his best friend, or because he was sick of looking at me, I don't know. I guess the distance has helped square away the lingering resentment he had for me. We text often and try to facetime once a week just to keep up with each other's day to day lives. I always have so much to report.

Things happened so fast. When I told Helen yes she told me we had to settle our accommodations there. Since I'm working for her I'm gaining a wage, but the housing is also accommodated. Nothing too fancy, just a small Parisian apartment over a quaint cafe. I love it.

        The first week I was here I was here as a tourist. Sophia really did just up and leave with me. We toured all Paris has to offer, and even made friends fast. That's because Sophia's so outgoing. She attracts people to her easily. I really do love Paris. I won't lie and say I don't miss my brother and other aspects of New York I'd only just started having there.

    I had friends like Tatum, Poppy, and Cam. And I had Dom. A subject I haven't let myself open since stepping on that airplane. He hasn't spoken to me since the day we had that fight five and a half weeks ago. I hate when I have a dream about him, and this pit roots in my stomach for the day after. I've honestly had so many new things going on though, that is the perfect distraction.

        Helen and I do get on well. She had me doing more minor tasks the first month, but now she seems to be giving me more, and taking me along to some pretty cool places. I got to work on the set of a film. We were right by the Eiffel tower, which is such a pretty sight. She was in charge of styling the main characters of the movie which was awesome to watch and be a part of. I'm learning a lot from her. She's still a stern woman, but she's such a lady-boss badass. I can't blame her for her elegant, yet no nonsense attitude. She gets things done. She isn't afraid to reem a man out if he isn't respecting her as a female entrepreneur. She knows what she wants and when she wants it.

I'll be with this woman for five more months, so something tells me I'll grow on her a lot more. She isn't one to show 'feelings', so you really never know if she likes you or just tolerates you.

        Sophia and I do have a mini veranda that overlooks a cute little Parisian street that smells like baguettes in the mornings. The space is really cute. Of course the building had old bones, because most European architecture is much older than within the U.S. The walls are a stark white with lots of French crown molding to design the wall space. Our long window is what opens to the veranda, and we have a non functional fireplace that's got this large decorative mirror above it. We also have a simple brick brownish/ red square back sofa which is what you see when you first enter our front door. 

        I always style every place I live with fresh pink peonies. It's always my personal added touch to my home wherever I might be. The apartment isn't very large; we don't have a dining room or even a kitchen table. To the right of the small living room is a marble half wall counter that sections off the kitchen from the living room and beside that squared off section is two mini half halls which leads to my bedroom and hers on the other side. Basically behind the kitchen wall, on my left and Sophia's right bedroom wall's, is the shared bathroom which breaks the space up. And that's it.

We've kept it modern and cute. My bedroom is narrow. I have a white comfy bed, the walls are also done of the same French style crown moldings, I have a circular side table, corner chair and a window overlooking the street off of the main street our veranda view has.

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