Chapter 10

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        Domani De Luca was a glorious sight in front of me. His sharp jaw and broad muscular shoulders made him look slightly more serious than his otherwise blank expression. His stance was one of leisure, though his gaze pinned me in place in front of him, frozen with chips in my hand. I didn't know what to say so I said nothing. I was so nervous right now. What is he thinking? It drove me crazy that I could never tell. 

I don't know what the hell my mind was thinking, but I think all his silence short circuited my brain, so I ended up spewing something out. The thing I'd been wondering about all day today. "You own a sex club," I blurted before my own eyes went wide and I quietly shut my mouth. Dom removed his arms from their crossed position. With one inked hand he rubbed down his dark stubble before placing his hands beside him on the counter. It flexed the muscles in his arms deliciously and broadened his shoulders further. So unfair.

"I do" was all he said. I was an idiot. Because I didn't know what else to do or say I spun on my heel ready to bolt. But his next words stuck to me like glue and stopped me in place again. 

"You'd probably enjoy yourself. You seem to like to watch." He's talking about the incident. Oh my god.

        I couldn't turn and face him because I knew I was beat red, but I also couldn't run out of the room. I was oddly frozen. "I'm ss-orry about that," I practically whispered. His eyes burned my flesh from behind me. I didn't have to see it to know. We were half a kitchen away from each other, but I could feel him all over me. "You don't mind watching. I don't mind being watched" he almost knocked me off my feet when he told me. My breathing picked up slightly. 

"Turn around, Mia," Dom ordered me. His authority was evident, but I couldn't do it. "I can't," I told him softly. "Why not?" He asked, though his tone didn't sound very affected at all. 

"I'm...embarrassed" my voice came out weakly. I heard Dom stand to his full height from where he'd been leaning against the counter. He took a few necessary steps to close the gap between us. He wasn't touching me at all, but I could feel his body heat behind me, and I could smell his warm cologne. He was close. Too close. He brought a tremble to my hand and I prayed he didn't notice.

        Dom tortured me with his silence. He moved to be directly behind me, so why isn't he saying anything? I could feel his eyes on me. What is he thinking right now? My heart stopped when I felt just the tips of his fingers brushing my hair behind one of my ears. He let his fingers glide down the length of my hair, before his hand disappeared again. "You shouldn't be" his voice was so low and rough. It sent goosebumps across my flesh where his breath had touched me.

        Before I could say a word he walked right past me, leaving my back chilled from the loss of his closeness. He didn't look back either. His tall suited frame continued out of the kitchen before he disappeared upstairs. I remained frozen where I was. What was that? 

What did he mean? Holy hell was that insanely attractive. Did he like that I watched him? He pretty much said he did when he told me he doesn't mind being watched. That definitely means he's participated in his own club before. That made me feel weird inside, but I don't know why.

Was Domani De Luca flirting with me? Or mocking me? Did he find it amusing that I was shy and embarrassed about it? Why did he feel the need to touch me even in the most innocent way? He has to know even something as simple as feeling my hair left my body on fire for him. 

I need to remind myself that this is my brother's best friend. 

Even if he wasn't, he's so out of my league I have no business thinking about him in the way that I am. I need to forget about it. I need to stay away from this man. He makes my mind hazy and my heart crazy.

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