Chapter 3

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         Domani De Luca was so intimidating in his silence and powerful presence, he had me scurrying up to my bedroom to hide until I finally heard Elio calling for me. When I came downstairs my brother was in a more relaxed version of his suit. "Are we not going out for dinner?" I asked him, looking at how I was now overdressed. "I figured it'd be quieter to catch up here. In this building we have an in-house chef...I ordered some stuff for us" he told me. I just nodded. I could feel Dom somewhere behind my brother, but I was trying not to look at him. I stayed focused on Elio. 

"Do you have a problem with that? Did you wanna go out?" My brother took my quiet demeanor as my being upset. I wasn't. I was overwhelmed by his best friend. "No, it's good. We can talk" I agreed, following him to the dining room that already had all the dishes spread down the table. I saw three place settings. Good Lord, he's going to eat with us

To no surprise he sat at the head of the table. Elio and I were more towards the middle of the table on either side. No need to crowd over a ten person dining room set. The elegant drop light in here had me staring upward for a few seconds before I realized my brother said something. 

"Eat" he ordered, already trying to point out foods he wants me to try.

        Dom stayed entirely silent. He gathered his steak and sides and cut into his meat like it was butter, all while he seemingly ignored our conversation. Like I wasn't even here. "Littles, what's your plan here? Are you gonna take some time off to relax? Do more school? Get a job? It's up to you. I can financially support the both of us. You don't need to feel obligated to do anything" my brother surprised me by saying. "You're gonna let me slack off?" I arched a brow at him. 

"I wouldn't call it that. You've been working hard for a long time. I called it time off" he reminded me. Again he feels guilty. He shouldn't. "I'm obviously not going to find a fashion designer gig any time soon, but I would like to work to make some of my own money," I said quietly without looking up from my plate. 

I felt like I was oddly asking permission and I didn't like it. "Doing?" He inquired, lifting his glass of wine. He drinks wine now? Funny. Dom was too. He'd since lost his glass of amber liquid.

"I was hoping you'd let me work at one of your businesses, but you've yet to tell me what those are so..." I trailed off, being smart. My heart stuttered when I noticed Dom's eyes come up to mine. I almost forgot he was there because he'd been ignoring me. I guess he heard that part...and it's his business not my brother's. Elio scowled, " I don't want you working for us" he shut that idea down quickly. 

        I chewed on my lip trying to decide how to pursue this further without pushing anyone's buttons. I was too afraid to, so I backed out of saying anything. In my silence my brother huffed. "I can talk to some friends and see if anyone is looking to hire somebody" he compromised. I shrugged okay. "I feel like I don't even know what to ask you...we talk, but not nearly enough for me to know what's been going on in your day to day life," my brother gave me that guilty expression again. 

"You know the jist of it. I was in school and working as a bartender in between," I again didn't look at him when I answered. I kept busy with my food. If Dom was looking I wouldn't know, because I've completely cut myself off from glancing towards that side of the table.

        This room really only holds this classy dining set in the center of the room and the walls are bare otherwise. It's modern. Suede high back chairs and slate black table that stands out against the white walls and chairs. "If she has bartending experience she can work at The Velvet Lounge" a deep sexy voice interrupted us, but Dom was looking directly at my brother not me. Elio shoved at his already rolled up sleeves and shook his head. "Nah, I don't want her working at any of our places," my brother remained stubborn. Why? Are they bad places? 

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