Chapter 19

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         After that tense ride with Domani De Luca, the sexiest man in the world, I hadn't seen him again for the next two days. I was at home getting ready for a shift at work when there was a call from downstairs that a package waiting for me. I didn't order anything, so I wasn't sure what it was. I went downstairs anyway and grabbed the all black box to bring it up with me. When I brought it back to the apartment I opened it and inside was a box that read: Salvatore Ferragamo. Oh my god. I ripped the lid off, and staring up at me were those white boots with the gold heel I'd been looking at two days ago. 

I dropped the packaging on the sofa and pulled one of the shoes out. Wait? I sifted around the box to see if there was a note card, and sure enough there was one. It read: 'Since you forgot to go back and purchase them on your shopping trip'. 

There was no need for the card to be signed because I knew who it was that bought them. These are $800 shoes. Is he crazy?! Then again this is the man that gave me $3,000 as a birthday present. Still, I can't keep accepting gifts from him. He's so confusing. He says he 'can't go there with me', yet he buys me something like this. Is this so casual to him? 

Maybe it is. Maybe he does this to a lot of women.

        I couldn't help myself. I had to text him. *Me: I can't accept $800 shoes from you.* He didn't take long to respond, though it was through a phone call instead of text. For some reason that made me nervous. "Why not?" He got straight to the point when I answered. "Because that's a lot of money...because I already accepted a birthday gift I shouldn't have." He was quiet for a second. "It's nothing to me. Shut up and take it" he tried to sound disinterested. 

"When did you even buy these?" I couldn't picture the man shopping. "The day we went there. While you were checking yourself out in the mirror." I do remember seeing him chatting it up with the woman at the register. I just didn't realize he was buying me something. "You didn't even know if I had the money at that point...You just assumed I didn't?" I wasn't sure if I should be offended or not. "I knew" he deadpanned. He'd been calling my bluff the whole time. I knew he didn't believe me. I sighed. 

        "Just wear the shoes," he concluded. "I know you already have an outfit picked out," Dom added to call me out. I told them that in the store. I do have a very cute outfit planned out. It has the movie 'Clueless' vibes for an outfit. Pink tweed mini skirt, white top, matching white beret, these white and gold boots, a fashion mini backpack that's a soft pink to match the skirt and my cute pink lens sunglasses.

"I do..." I sighed. "Good. Show me" he asked. I paused. "I thought you said you want no more pictures?" I was surprised. "An outfit hardly crosses any lines" he pointed out. "Okay, I'll go change now" I got kind of excited. We hung up and I rushed to my room to get ready before my shift at work. I guess this is what I'm wearing today. 

        When I was finished I went in front of my full length mirror and took a photo of myself. I know I shouldn't accept these shoes, but I also know he won't take them back. I'm surely not throwing them away, so I guess I'll keep them. I can't let him buy me anything else. He might be rich, but I am nobody to him. He shouldn't be spending money on me. I don't know if that's a kink or what. Especially when he wants to stay away from me. 

When I took a cute enough photo I sent it to Dom. My insides kept fluttering with excitement about the shoes, but also for having a line of communication with him again. *Dom: Damn it* was his only reaction which sort of confused me. *Me: What?* 

His response actually made me laugh, *Dom: You somehow make tweed look sexy as fuck.* Maybe I had a few more flutters too.

*Me: Thank you again for the shoes. You can't buy me anything else. Ever* I laid down my own rule for him to follow. If I can't send pictures, he can't purchase things for me. *Dom: Don't tell me what to do* he dared text me. I just sent him an annoyed emoji. He stopped responding after that. I smiled when I looked at myself in the mirror again. I love this outfit, it has me feeling good. 

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