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Previous on, kamen rider Den-o and fresh precure, hiroto and others was think about they going destroyed the gauge as chiffon cannot become infinity anymore. But, setsuna think that if they destroyed the gauge with that much concentrated misfortune energy is bad idea. As she decided going alone. But setsuna get trapped by northa as northa mock her setsuna hurt people untill hiroto and others cannot believe northa word as they always connect with her before she from vine and teleport to the oustide.hiroto and others was glad that setsuna was fine and now they going to the mansion to destroyed the guage one's for northa plan to destroyed the kamen rider and precure.

At the same on the outside, hiroto and others prepare to go inside of the mansion and destroyed the sorrows gauge.

Berry:if we destroyed the sorrow gauge beneath this mansion...

Pine:chiffon won't become infinity anymore.

Passion:but... Northa is in there.

Zeronos:i have bad feeling about this.

Hiroto:me too. My hand was still trembling.

Peach:we be fine if we combine our powers...


At the labyrinth headquarters, soular and westar tell northa about kamen rider and precure soon prepare to fight.

Soular:kamen rider and precure, is about to charge in here, northa-san.

Westar:we should deal with them before that happens.

Northa:that just shows that you two are far too simple.


Soular:do you have a plan?

Northa:of course. We make sure they receive a very warm welcome. Kamen rider and precure.

Northa was hold special item perfume.



At the same, Den-o and others still outside the mansion before the front door open. As they surprise.

Tarte:whoa!the door's open!

They turn back to chiffon and tarte and tell.

Peach:chiffon and tarte, wait right here.

Tarte:no way... I'm going.

Passion:if you do that, you just be handing infinity to northa on a sliver platter.


Chiffon look worried about them.

Berry:it's fine. Chiffon. Wait right here with tarte.

Pine:we definitely be back. Be a good girl and wait.

Hiroto:let's go everyone!

They nod him as they rush in the door and close behind them as they surpise.

Berry:no turning back, huh?


Akarun was appeared as passion put akarun on the linkrun.

Kamen Rider Den-o And Fresh PrecureWhere stories live. Discover now