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At the zeroliner, yuuto was eating the breakfast as deneb was grab tea for yuuto and pour it on the cupas he put on the table.as deneb sighed. He tried his best to ignore his partner sighing. But deneb was insistent on getting yuuto attention.

Yuuto:what is it, deneb? Something you want to say?

Deneb tried to ask him before yuuto eat the chips and tell deneb be quite.

Yuuto:just stay silent. What you say would be wrong anyways.

Deneb:when you talk like that, i feel very sorry for tsugami hiroto.

Yuuto:i told you to stay silent, didn't it?

Yuuto:but!if you don't fix your personality, friends...

As yuuto grab the napkin and throw at the deneb face.

Yuuto:I'm not in this to make friends!

Yuuto was going to the outside as deneb want to ask yuuto.he was wondering that why hiroto become kamen rider.

Yuuto:damn it. Why is a guy like tsugami kamen rider Den-o?



Meanwhile,on the denliner, hiroto and others want to ask owner about the new train before he tell them name train.

Love and others:zeroliner?

Owner:denliner runs on just one line. It's not surprise that there are others lines. And if he uses zeroliner... That surely means he is in a position for protecting the flow of time. In other words... If he tells you guys to stay away from the past sakurai yuuto... Then there is merit in listening to that.

Hiroto remembered about that yuuto said"protecting the flow of time is different from saving people. Don't loiter in time in a half assed a way. hiroto want to about sakurai yuuto past as he remembered about ryotaro want to know about sakurai too at the same. Before the denliner was stop and destination. As naomi Announcer to them.

Naomi:the door is opening. Those disembarking please don't forget anything. Have a safe trip.

Hiroto and others was going leave the denliner as the door was open and revealing to yuuto and deneb as they shocking.


Yuuto:tsugami,i have something important

Yuuto was go front of the table and sit down as hiroto and other stand up while momotaros and others was face to him as they want to ask yuuto what yuuto doing.

Momotaros:hey!what are you guys here for?

Yuuto:no big deal. Just some businesses with tsugami and his friends.

Before yuuto want notice that deneb was give to candy to everyone as same chiffon and tarte too.

Deneb:here you go.


Deneb:still more greeting gifts. Here. Yuuto wouldn't say, but in his heart he wished his best.

Deneb was give basket of candy to them as yuuto grab deneb arms.

Yuuto:I'm not saying that!you, go over there!

Kamen Rider Den-o And Fresh PrecureWhere stories live. Discover now