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At the milk diaper,hiroto yawn himself as he get tired and go front of the table to clean the table, airi was reading the book of start and she ask hiroto dinner over there.

Airi:hiroto-chan. Dinner over there. Go ahead and eat.

He nod her as he go front of the table before he notice that his sister make too much dinner for him.

Hiroto:isn't this too much?

Airi:that's just enough. You need to build up your stamina, and pull your lucky start closer to yourself l!

Hiroto:nee-san, you've always been a bit... A bit overbearing, when you adopted me, huh?

Airi:you think so?

He going eat his dinner as airi was look at the telescope all time.


At the denliner, hana was tried to warn them don't possess hiroto while he get tired.

Hana:don't just take hiroto body like it's yours to use!

Hana was go front of urataros and tell him to tried talk him don't flirt woman while he use possess hiroto body.

Hana:listen up. Ever since you started tagging along, hiroto be looking way more exhausted!besides, if the people around him find out, it's hiroto who gotta deal with it!

Urataros:around him? Ah, you mean that his sister... She sure was lovely.

Hana was going leave the cafeteria for while as momotaros was sit down on the chair and ask urataros.

Momotaros:hey,kameko. Don't forget that you're only here cause hiroto took pity on you. And besides that!I'm your senior, got it? So don't go using hiroto body without my permission!

Naomi was go front of urataros as she hold the coffee and give to urataros.

Naomi:here you go!a special!

Urataros:thanks, naomi-chan.

Urataros was pick the coffee as he ignore momotaros.

Momotaros:you... Don't just blatantly ignore me!are you listening to your senior here?

Urataros:indeed. Let's get along swimming from here on. Senpai.

Urataros was go front of him as he put coffee on the table and give to momotaros before he bow him.

Momotaros:well, now... So you get it. Huh... Well, just do your best.


At the hiroto room, hiroto was yawn himself as he going to his bed and laying down on the bed before he shut his eyes, suddenly, someone posses his body it was urataros. As he going date to night with the girls.


At the same, hana was arrival as she notice that momotaros was sleep, she go front of him and slap on his face to wake up before she ask naomi what inside in the coffee.

Hana:naomi-chan, did you put something in that coffee?

Naomi:yes. Ura-chan said that chili peppers would help ease momo-chan fatigue.

Naomi was hold the peppers as hana was notice that peppers was inside the Coffee and momotaros was landed on the ground as he sleep,naomo kneel down on the him and poke his face.

Naomi:but he fell sleep, instead!how strange!

Hana:that lying turtle!

Hana was step on the momotaros back as she get angry.

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