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Previously on, kamen rider Den-o and fresh precure, precure have new power from clover box, and kai sent an imagin to the past.he took life of sakurai yuuto from before he made a contract with deneb. And he disappeared.since sakurai yuuto erased the memories of himself by using zeronos cards, he did not return.and hiroto, precure who, was returned to present time. Is present with a world where sakurai yuuto does not exist.

At the denliner,hiroto and his friends want for hana as she want to momotaros and others about sakurai yuuto, but she ask hiroto and others about momotaros and others they don't remembered about yuuto. As only hana, owner, tarte and chiffon remembered yuuto.

Hiroto:momotaros-tachi don't remembered yuuto either?

Hana:yeah. No one but owner and myself remembered.

Inori:no way.. Yuuto-san disappeared from past

Suddenly, someone open the door and revealing to deneb as they turn back to him.

Deneb:ah, hiroto and girls, welcome back.

Hiroto and others:deneb...

Deneb:food's ready. Hana-chan too.

Deneb prepare lunch for them as hana whispered at them.

Hana:deneb has possess inori-chan.

They surprise that hana tell them deneb possess inori before deneb tell them.

Deneb:come on, hurry, hurry!

Deneb go front of them and pushed them into dinning room as momotaros and others was eat the rice and tea while they wear the napkin.

Momotaros:you guys are late!

Urataros:we started eating already!

Deneb:you guys, eat up!you guys need more physical strength. Right? Hana-chan too.

Deneb pushed them into bench as they going eat lunch with others.

Kintaros:oh!a standing tea stalk, an auspicious sign!

Deneb wear the napkin for hiroto and others before they remembered about that flashback yuuto ask them take care of deneb and hiroto and others was go front of deneb about yuuto.

Inori:deneb-san !you haven't forgotten, have you? You guys were so remembered yuuto-san, don't you?

Deneb:wait a moment, who is yuuto? I have no idea what you're talking about.

Deneb grab the tea and go front of kintaros for green tea.

Kintaros:what's wrong with deneb, inori?

Ryuutaros:hey, who's yuuto?

They surprised that deneb wasn't remembered about yuuto.


Kamen rider Den-o opening denliner form


At the same on the denliner, momotaros and others was have fun with deneb as hiroto and others was sitting down bench with owner while momotaros and others about Deneb possess inori body.

Kamen Rider Den-o And Fresh PrecureWhere stories live. Discover now