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At the kaoru van,inori tell them about her Parents as she watches her parents treat various sick animals.

Inori:dad's really awesome. It's like he really understand what the animals are saying. Animals come to him with their pains, and he's able to diagnose them in the blink of an eyes.

Miki:buki dad does have a reputation as skilled veterinarian.

Love:isn't it awesome?

Hiroto:she's right, then he can cure animals without understanding what they're saying.

Inori:in the future, i want to become a veterinary just like dad.

Hiroto:that's good future for you.

Love:you can do it!since you love animals and really understand their feelings.

Miki:yeah, i think becoming a veterinary perfectly suits you.

Kaoru:i was once in 10th place, but i should have been better-inarian!

They turn back to kaoru as they surprise.

Kaoru:so, i tried hard and reached 8th place!i was really happy!

Hiroto and others:what does that have to do with anything?

Kaoru:I've had my eye on 1st place for a bit. Watch the shop for me!

Kaoru was going leave the place for while as they ask him he was going restroom.

Love:you're going to the restroom again!

Kaoru:looks like I'm a bit constipated.




At love room, tart emulates another kansai accented magical girl mascot by overnighting a video game. Having successfully completed it,

Tart:yes, i did it!i beat the game!this feeling of achievement

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Tart:yes, i did it!i beat the game!this feeling of achievement... I stuck with all night.

He yawn himself as he notes the time was four in the afternoon, which is around when love should be getting home from school.

Tart:it's about time for the girls to get home. Chiffon, wanna come go get some donuts, too?

Tart ask her want food before he notice it that Chiffon is in some pain.


At the same, they eat still the donuts before tart was appeared as he hold her and rushed to the Doughnuts van.

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