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At the denliner, hiroto was on the denliner with his friends as they think about why ryuutaros killed president.

Hana:attacking that president... Just what is ryuutaros trying to do?

hiroto:well, i don't know either as he still kid.

Miki:what? Hiroto-san don't you remember that he almost killed President without reason.

Hiroto:well? I know that.

Momotaros:i agree with her, i never trusted that kid from the get go.

Urataros:really, just what is he thinking?

Kintaros:it is impossible to understand him!

Before kintaros falling back to sleep again. Momotaros lean against the counter as he sip a cup of coffee

Momotaros:Someday i will shut him up.

Before ryuutaros was came out from hiroto body as ryuutaros stood behind the counter with they surprise.

Ryuutaros:is that fun?

Momotaros chokes on his drink as he turn around



Momotaros was going fight ryuutaros as momotaros was going stand naomi isn't taking of this.

Momotaros:yeah, it's fun. Why don't you keep me company?

Naomi:hey!I'm just cleaned this!

Momotaros was going attack ryuutaros, but Ryuutaros quickly grab the coffee and splashed it over his face. Momotaros screamed in agony.

Ryuutaros:this is kind of boring.

Momotaros:why you little kid?

Momotaros rubs his eyes and attack ryuutaros before ryuutaros quickly jump inside hiroto body, but not possessing hiroto at all. As momotaros was notice it.

Momotaros:damn it!

Momotaros punch at ryuutaros, but love and others tried to calm him down as they hold his shoulder.

Love:momotaros, it's hiroto body.

Love:you cannot attack ryuuta without inside hiroto-san body.

Momotaros:damn... Always... Always... I keep being mocked!

Love and others let go of him while momotaros was asked urataros as he ignore momotaros, momotaros was slapping on kintaros face, but kintaros was protect his head with both hand. As momotaros was kneel down on the floor and he think about them making a fool of him.

Momotaros:making a fool out of me!



The next morning on the bathhouse, commissioner and police was think about new plan as announcer tell the criminal still on the bathhouse and commissioner still exhaustion is a peak.

Announces woman 1:it's been one day since the siege started. It's believed the hostage exhausted is at a peak.

Before miura was appeared as he still here before he grab the microphone from announced and ask.

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