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Previously on, kamen rider Den-o and fresh precure, the person name was shinsuke akagi as he was gong marry airi,for Pay debt for her, but she refused the marry akagi as she reject him. Akagi tell airi about he and yuuto was on rival as he hate about yuuto.yuuto doesn't care about money and care about the astronomy. Ryuutaros and hiroto was going after anthopper but he get beat by those twin anthopper as they cheat.ryuutaros was cannot hold them off without help momotaros and others before he lost unconscious.

Twin anthopper imagin surround to hiroto. The anthopper Kirigiris jumped around.

Kirigiris anthopper:the Den-o is down!down!

Anthopper ari walked over to hiroto and kicked him over so he could face him. He sighed soft as he raised his shovel

Anthopper ari:i thought he'd be tougher.

They going raise his sword and going killed at him before Someone shoot at them with bullet got knocked back and kicked on their chest to rolling on the ground. They looked at the deneb and precure was arrives,before twin anthopper quick got back up and made their escaped.

Peach:darn it!they run away.

They turn back to hiroto as he injured before they notice. Passion and berry was check on him and kneel down.

Deneb:tsugami, are you okay?

Passion:hiroto-san, please hang in there?

Berry and passion reached for his belt and disconnected it, causing hiroto armor to dematerialized.

Berry:hiroto-san, are you alright?

Berry was pat on his cheek before the den-liner was appeared as they hooped on train.


At the same on akagi office, airi still not remembered about her fiance sakurai yuuto before they heard open the door and revealing as black outfits hold yuuto and inori off.

Yuuto:let go

Inori:please let us go.

Akagi:what is it, boy, girl?

Airi(smiled):sakurai-kun, inori-chan.


He stare at yuuto. He shook his head in denial and said to black outfit was let go of them.

Akagi:his little brother?they do look kind of similar.

Airi:similar? To whom?

Yuuto stare at airi with a stoic expression on his face, which in turn cause airi stared at him back, looking over to him for answers. But as soon airi made eye contact with yuuto, she saw something with him.

Akagi:anways, don't enter without permission.

Akagi pushed them away before yuuto deliver punch at akagi to knockout on the inori was surprise.




At the parking tunnel, akagi rubbed the bruise on his face as he limped his way towards his motorcycle. When he get punch by yuuto. Yuuto and inori was bring airi to the house as they leaving the company.

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