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At the night on the street, hiroto was riding the bicycle on street before the man was throw out himself as hiroto was stop and trip on the bush,he look at the hood man was came out clothes from sand and notice that was imagin on side body.

Hiroto:an imagin.

Hood man was go front of him, his hair yellow and short, his eyes were yellow instead of brown.he grab the bicycle as he accident broke the break and he shocked.before momotaros go front of hiroto body and talk to him.

Momotaros:hey, what do think you're doing? I have arrived!


Momotaros:out for a midnight stroll or something? Since we're already here. Let's get it on!you seem kind stronger.

Man yellow give to the momotaros bicycle brake.

Man(yellow):you best put this back properly.

Man yellow was going leave the place as momotaros put back break on the bush and go front of him because momotaros doesn't finish his talk to imagin.

Momotaros:hey!I'm telling you to fight me!

Momotaros delivered punch at his face while he grab the fist and hold off as momotaros was surprise.

Man(yellow):strength that's just you show won't beat me!

Momotaros:what'd you say?

Man(yellow):strength got it's ranking too, you know. My strength... Can make cry.


Man yellow was throw Momotaros on the bush as he landed on the ground.

Man(yellow):wipe you tear with this!

Man yellow was take out the paper and throw at the momotaros face as he swipe off the paper and get annoyed.

Momotaros:wait, you bastard!like I'd cry from this!

Man was walk on the street as he was go front of that lamp post and palm strike multiple time before the lamp post was collapse as he shocked and hold off as he going fix it.

Man(yellow):did it again...



The next morning, at the mansion eas report to moebius that the only reason pretty cure and kamen rider is causing them trouble is because they're kamen rider, pretty cure.

Moebius:the sorrow gauge is increasing... But at far too slow a pace. The legendary warriors, kamen rider, pretty cure... Our plans have been thrown into disarray by their appearance. Could they truly have the strength to hinder my ambition?

Eas:the truth is, they are merely powerless humans at heart.they defy our expectations purely by their ability to become pretty cure as the boy become kamen rider. If we can prevent them transforming into pretty cure, they will pose no threat to us expect kamen rider Den-o as we want to know about him. Allow me to handle this. Everything is for lord moebius


At the love house, love tell her mom that she is going to go shopping.

Kamen Rider Den-o And Fresh PrecureWhere stories live. Discover now