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Perviously on, kamen rider Den-o and fresh precure, love and others was have dance competition when they get serious to win the competition, eas have new power card as she was suffered herself own her power.ryuutaros was get jealousy by yuuto, he attack yuuto and his friends as ryuutaros cannot to stop until he defeat zeronos yuuto doesn't have choice to transform into zeronos. And now who will win this around.

Zeronos and ryuutaros charge forward at others motorcycle and shoot at others. Ryuutaros jump the forward at zeronos while zeronos pulled his motorcycle to lean against ground before they shoot at others.before they get off the motorcycle, Zeronos shoot at ryuutaros while he dodge attack and zeronos delivers kick on him,

But ryuutaros dodge attack as he shoot at zeronos while he dodge attack and side kick on his chest and then shoot at ryuutaros chest multiple time when Ryuutaros shoot at zeronos and zeronos change weapon into sword mode while he swing at him multiple time and ryuutaros dodge attack, ryuutaros fired at zeronos while he block with his sword and swing at him.

Before hana and others was appeared as they tried to stop ryuutaros killed yuuto at once.

Hana:ryuuta!stop it!

Ryuutaros:you're in the way.

Ryuutaros shoot at zeronos while he dodge attack, but Ryuutaros accident fired at the celling, causing it to crumble and fall toward inori as zeronos eye widen,

Hana and others:buki/inori-chan

Zeronos:look out!

He ran toward her as inori looked up and saw the debris falling toward her. Zeronos jumped in front of inori and defense her with his zeronos growled in pain as some debris fell on his back inori gasped.

Inori:yuuto-san? Are you okay?

Zeronos:I'm fine, yamabuki, are you okay?are you hurt anywhere?

Inori:no, I'm fine.

Zeronos:thank goodness.

He stood up and turn back to ryuutaros as he point at zeronos.

Ryuutaros:look like i win.

Miki:hiroto-san, wake up!you have to stop him!don't let him take control!please wake up!

Before ryuutaros stop point at zeronos and grab own hands.

Hiroto:ryuutaros!stop at once!


Hiroto was kick out ryuutaros his body and reveal to hiroto as he landed on the ground. Before hana and others was go front of hiroto and check on him.

Miki:hiroto-san!are you okay?

Hiroto:yeah, I'm fine.

Zeronos go front of them while he pulled the card out of the belt as it disintegrated. Zeronos then disconnected the belt, causing the armor to dematerialize and reveal yuuto.

Yuuto:tsugami. You're singular point, yet you can't even control your own imagin? What's the meaning of this?

Hiroto:I'm sorry. Ryuutaros is my responsible.

Yuuto:you think"sorry"will fix this? If i keep using up zeronos card like this. There aren't enough cards!rather there isn't enough life.

Yuuto grabbed his t-shirt before holding his side in pain.

Yuuto:I'm so pissed off. Forget it.

Yuuto was leave the parking while hiroto and others was follow to talking about the zeroliner.

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