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At the street, hiroto and precure was walk on the street as they follow yuuto to want ask question his name.

Hiroto:hey, hey.

Hiroto front of yuuto to ask him.

Hiroto:wait a moment.


Hiroto:is it true your  name is sakurai yuuto?

Yuuto:what would i be doing lying?

Hiroto:ni. It's just you have the same name as the sakurai-san that i know.

Yuuto:if we have the same name, then wouldn't we be the same person?


Yuuto:you sure are dense. Consider that i have a ticket.

Inori:it can't be you came from the past?


Hiroto stood of him once more and bombarded him with question.

Hiroto:can you give me a straight answer? Did you really come from the past? And you told me to no look for sakurai-san in the past, right? What's that mean? Do you know something?

Yuuto:shut up

Yuuto pushed hiroto stomach to the ground as hiroto tried to shut up before miki toward hiroto.


Love:hey, what's that for? He want you question about you.

Yuuto:tsugami hiroto, right? There's no need for you to know. For now... Don't involved yourself with the past sakurai yuuto. If you do, the flow of time will be warped.

They surprised what he said as the flow of time will be warped. As hiroto was remembered about that flashback,hiroto was from parallel world and watch kamen rider Den-o all time when he remembered about ryotaro said to him,before yuuto was leave the place


At the bridge, yuuto walk on the bridge as he think about hiroto first time surprise before he laughed himself and talk to himself.

Yuuto:he was so surprise!he really doesn't know anything does he?

Imagin:that's no good.


Imagin:yuuto, that wasn't nice of you.

Yuuto:it's fine.

Imagin:if you want to be friends, do it properly...

Yuuto:who does?

Yuuto punch at imagin face to himself.


Yuuto:you're wrong, shut up!

Yuuto continue on the bridge before he hold his face as he get punched himself.


Imagin:yuuto.. Are you okay?

The sand came off of yuuto as it slowly formed in an imagin. The imagin dons a long back robe with a small hood. Along with the robe is a small back and green cloak with a face design on it. His arms is colored gray and his fingertips has holes in them. Around his wrist are black and gray gauntlet that cover his forearms and hands. And lastly, his face is partly covered by yellow mask, but reveling his green eyes and gray mouth. Is name was deneb.



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