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Random idea I had while writing 'oh snotlout...'

Enjoy! Or don't, I don't rlly care all that much.


No ones POV.

It was a warm day on New Berk. The sun was shining, terrible terrors weren't singing, the chief was about to set sail... wait a second... what..?

"See you in a week, babe" Astrid smiled while saying those words.

"Yeah, you will. It's not like I WANT to spend any time away from my wife or unborn child" He chuckled in response, causing Astrid to roll her eyes playfully. This mandatory meeting only lasted 3 days itself, but since the dragons left and boats have come back into use, it takes a lot longer to get to places.

She smiled at him as he turned to step onto the boat "Okay, bye then" She said, however feeling a sharp pain tear through her abdomen. Being Astrid, she ignored it.

Okeh forgot to mention but it was only these 2 at the docks, nobody else.

Instead of going away like she thought it would, the pain came back much stronger with each wave. Suddenly, she reached out and grabbed Hiccups wrist. He turned to look at her, but his face turned to worry when he saw the look of pain on her face. "Hiccup, somethings wrong" She explained before leaning on him more, clutching her stomach tightly.

"Alright we're going to Gothi's" He told her, and she nodded in response. Something told him that even though there was still 2 months to go, the baby didn't care.

*like the next day bc I'm lazy and I don't do details when it comes to this stuff...*

Some time later, the couple were leaning on each other in Gothis hut, fast asleep with baby Zephyr in Astrids arms. She was born early, just like her father. Sure Hiccup was late for that very important meeting now, but who cares? Not me, not them and CERTAINLY not Gothi.

*another time and place skip coz I'm tired and lazy plus I'll make up for the fluff later but let's just pretend he got there eventually*

Hiccup stepped off the boat and secured it to the dock at this island, concluding he would slip in and join the meeting from where it stood and get everything unpacked later.

"You're late Mr Haddock" a deep voice sounded from behind, almost making the man jump. Hiccup spun around to face the man with one of his typical nervous smiles. Not much scared him, but this guy was a different story.

"Sir Hamilton" The twig of a man greeted the bulky bloke standing in front of him.

Sir Hamilton surveyed the smaller man silently for a minute before continuing. "You certainly are a twig of a man I must say. Different from other chiefs, especially considering you run the Hairy Hooligan tribe" He said, stating the obvious.

"As I've been informed" Hiccup sighed half sarcastically in his usual manner.

"You seem to be quite young for a chief. You musn't be older than 25"

"23" Hiccup corrected.

"Do you rule alone?" The larger man asked, and by now the two were nearly halfway to The Hall.

"No Sir. I have a wife and child" He answered, causing Sir Hamilton to turn and look at the guy as if he were insane.

"How old did you say you were? 23? You really are one to strive aren't you?" He guessed, and Hiccup scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"It's all pretty recent..."

"Really? How young is your child?" The larger man asked. He was growing curious now.

"Very young, as in, born 2 days ago..." He admitted, Sir Hamilton now knowing why he was late to this important meeting.

"Is that why you were late?"

"Yes Sir"

"Not a great reason if you ask me" The bulky guy said, visibly shocking Hiccup. "I know in your last few months of being chief-"

"I've been chief for 3 years"

"Yes yes- what I was saying is that sometimes your duties come before family" Sir Hamilton finished in a more serious tone. This both confused and irritated the young lad standing beside him.

"So you're telling me that this meeting is more important than being there for the birth of my first child?" He asked, looking the bigger man right in the eye. Sir Hamilton seemed to be almost amused at this.

"Yes, I am. It's not like the kid is going to remember" Hamilton pointed out, causing Hiccup to raise an eyebrow at the man.

"No, but Astrid certainly will..." He trailed off, knowing that is he had left any earlier she would have strangled him with her bare hands. Sir Hamilton was silent for a little bit. Curious, Hiccup looked over at the man, wondering if he would get a response.

"The Hofferson girl?" Hamilton asked, and Hiccup nodded.

"She prefers Haddock now though" The auburn haired guy added, adding to Hamilton's 'whaaaaaat' thought train.

"Well what do you know, Astrid is my great niece" Sir Hamilton explained, this time leaving Hiccup sceptical.

"Really?" He asked.

"You're a lucky one" the big man said, patting the small guy on the back with a chuckle, almost knocking him clean over as they walked into the large hall.

Out of the crowd, Hiccup spotted a familiar head. "Hey Cami" He greeted after having to literally push his way through the crowd. The woman turned to look at the guy standing next to her.

"Hey Hiccup! Where have you been?" She asked, grabbing him by the shoulders. "I haven't seen you in so long! I need updates- how's Astrid? I heard you guys have a kid on the way! What about the dragons? Are you coping without them? I. Need. Answers. But most importantly, why are you so late!?" She asked, speed talking as per usual.

"Woah, slow down Cami! I'll tell you everything later. Hang on I thought only males were allowed to this meeting?" He replied, and she shrugged.

"It was either let me come or be strangled by Big Boobied Bertha(hehehe... I'm such a child...)" She laughed.


"Well you see, 6 months after the dragons left me and Astrid got married- as you know because you were there, and then yes we had a kid on the way" He began, nervously scratching the back of his neck as he explained everything. Cami looked half worried for a second.

"What do you mean had?" She asked, and Hiccup chuckled at this.

"Well that's when the interesting part comes in... the reason I'm late is because our first daughter was born early- she's only 3 days old" Camicazi's eyes widened.

"OH MY THOR. Congratulations!" She yelled, catching the attention of passers-by.

"Brotheeeeer!" A familiar voice sounded behind the pair. Dagur was here. Of course he was here, too.

"Oh uh, h-hey brother!" Hiccup returned the gesture, and Dagur came and grabbed the poor guy in a bone crushing hug.

"What were you guys talking about? Also hey Hiccup, I got your Terror mail! Congratulations on the kid! You move fast, don't you? It's only been 8 months since you and your girl got married! AHAHAHA" He babbled on, sealing the deal with that typical insane dagur-like laugh at the end, patting Hiccup on the back so hard he once again nearly fell over.

"Yes, thank you brother..." Hiccup managed to squeeze out, air still filling his lungs while meanwhile Camicazi was trying extremely hard not to laugh at the scene.



Only 4 drafts to go! :)

Emily OUT-
6th April 2022

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