The Talk

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So this was just a RANDOM idea that came to my mind(it's not that random) and u can already tell by the title what it's gonna be about... ahahaha. Its actually pretty short and doesnt go into detail AT ALL. Boring, right?

Just after httyd 2


It was a cold autumn morning, a light shade of fog descending over the small island just south of freezing to death- namely the Isle of Berk. Despite most of the village bustling around quietly doing their day to day chores and jobs, there were the few exceptions. For example, in the chief's house laid a tired couple, sleeping peacefully under the warm furs that not even the harsh wind could penetrate. Mainly being because the window was closed and so there were no cold winds in the room anyway.

"Morning" Hiccup greeted quietly as he felt his girlfriend stir. Not many people agreed with their 'ways', the few previous complaints to Stoick being about how they were already sleeping together before marriage(which Stoick didn't have a problem with), and how affectionate they could be in public, even if it was just a quick kiss on the cheek before they parted ways(which, again, Stoick never had a problem with). However now that Stoick was no longer here and they OBVIOUSLY weren't going to complain to their current chief- THE MAN HIMSELF -about this apparent 'violation'. Keep in mind that after Valka's sudden return, the village warmed up to the woman again quite quickly and so would instead talk to HER about the young couple's behaviour.

"Morning..." Astrid mumbled back, quickly stretching before returning to her previous position- hand and head on Hiccup's chest -and snuggled into him, pulling the blankets up over her bare shoulders.

"Whats up? Usually you're the morning person" Hiccup pointed out teasingly in a soft tone.

She cuddled into him further. "Im c-cold..." She mumbled, pulling the blankets tighter.

"You're telling me, the woman who many times as a teenager walked and got buried in snow in a short sleeved top and shoulderpads, is cold?" He asked, planting a small kiss on her forehead as he chuckled.

"Uh-huh". Suddenly there was a loud knock coming from the front door, followed by the sound of retreating footsteps and a quiet squeaaaak as the door was answered most likely by Valka.


"Hey there Valka!" Gobber greeted the friendly woman as she indeed answered the door.

"Oh hello there Gobber! What can I help you with?" She asked with a smile on her face- her and Gobber had gotten along even before the '20 year break from society' and were always happy to stop by and have a chat every now and then.

"Just wonderin' if your boy 'iccup is 'ere, thats all. We have some stuff to work on in the forge and it seems the young lad is prone to forgetting these sorts of things, in't 'e?" The blacksmith explained, and Valka thought for a moment. She hadn't seen him all day.

"I can go see if he's in his room for you. Please, come inside and take a seat in the meantime!" She offered, leading the man into the house he had been in many, many times before Stoick's untimely death. By the time Gobber could reply with a simple 'thank you', the auburn-haired woman was already making her way up the stairs.


The couple laid in silence, not quite asleep but nowhere near awake. Despite knowing they BOTH had things to do and get done, neither of them had the energy to leave the warm furs nor their loving embrace. That was until there was a loud knock on the bedroom door. Assuming it was his mom, Hiccup decided that is he stayed quiet, she would assume he wasnt here and walk away. Ha! Teach him for ignoring someone knocking on his door...

"Hiccup are you in there?" a voice asked, and after a minute of complete silence, the door slowly creaked open. It was easy to tell that both the young adults were thinking the same thing- "oooooooooooh Thor...", but instead of busting them and half scolding Hiccup like Stoick might, Valka turned and quickly shut the door again as she began walking back down the hallway.

"Unfortunately he doesn't seem to be here" She lied, and Gobber nodded before standing again.

"No worries lassie- he's probably off with Toothless or his girl somewhere. Well when you do see the lad, can you ask him to come see me at the forge?" He asked in his usual cheerful tone, walking out the door and thanking Valka anyways.

"Yes of course Gobber!" She replied before they parted ways. Chuckling slightly, the woman went back inside and sat at the table, waiting for her son and their 'guest' to wake up and come downstairs. Not that they weren't already awake at all.

*time skip idk how many seconds/mins/hours so use ur imagination instead*

A good few minutes had passed when Valka eventually heard the sound of hushed voices, with footsteps following soon after. She waited patiently as Hiccup came down the stairs, strapping on his leather armor with Astrid following close behind him.

"Morning Mom" Hiccup greeted.

"Morning Valka" Astrid said.

"Morning you two, fun night I see?" She asked back, and the two half froze and looked at each other as if to say 'Uhh...'. "I'll take that as a yes" The woman chuckled as she took a sip of her mug of morning coffee or tea or whatever tf they had in those days.


THAT REMINDS ME. Today me and my sis came up with a theory that Yaknog is called YAKnog bc its made of grinded up yaks mixed with yak milk 🤣🤢


"Uh... anyways, did Gobber come around looking for me? I could've sworn I had something on today" Hiccup asked, changing the subject as he very well knew he had to go meet Gobber at the forge within the next hour, otherwise the large blacksmith would come around searching for him again.

"He did, actually. Said something about you two working on a 'project' together. Asked if you could see him as soon as you get out of bed" She answered, gesturing towards the front door. The man nodded in return and walked outside to go see Gobber at the forge, however before he left... "Oh and Hiccup," And he poked his head back through the door as Astrid slipped past and waited for him outside. "We'll talk later" She said, and Hiccup nodded before shutting the door behind him and walking beside Astrid, cringing.

"Let me guess, she got suspicious and is going to have a 'friendly chat' with you for the third time this month?" Astrid guessed upon seeing the expression on her boyfriend's face.

"You bet" He answered, shrugging it off as they neared the forge where Gobber was waiting.

"Anyways, I'll see you later Babe. Got some training to do at the arena. These kids are exhausting... just yesterday Brenn nearly set another student on fire. She's a complete nutjob I'll tell you that" The blonde woman replied, recalling the events of the previous day.

"Ah yes, heard about that..." Hiccup recounted, remembering back to when Brenn's mother came into the Great Hall looking for advice. Now THAT was an interesting conversation...


Hello, Hello, Hello. Yes, I'm alive. Yes, I survived choking for 2 minutes straight on the 10 hour drive home. Yes, I got the flu and spread it to the rest of my fam. Yes, I dont give a shi-

Anyways, Plz read the next A/N that shall be published in a few seconds.

*not me eyeing the tub of condensed milk I'm hiding at the top of my cupboard*

Emily OUT-


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